Should I continue taking band?

I have played the trumpet for four and a half years now (I’m a softmore) and at the beginning of the school year I got braces. They made my tone much worse, and while it has improve significantly, I still do not sound that good. Because of that and other reasons, I’m not enjoying band as much this year. Also, I wanted to be able to take other electives that I am interested in, and possibly free blocks to help me complete my homework for my rigorous course load. I decided to not take the second semester of Spanish 4 this year and take band instead because of a scheduling conflict involving the two, and I figured that I would take it online (I’m not sure how that’s going to work out). Anyways, I’m wondering if colleges would not like that I quit band, as I know they like to see students who commit to extracurriculars. The problem with band is that it is on my transcript, so it’s not like I can just not talk about it on my application. I want to go to a good engineering school, and I have several other EC’s that I think will look good on my apps. So should I quit or stick with it? Thanks for the help!

If you enjoy band then stick with it. If you’d rather do something else then go for it. You won’t be judged for taking another elective instead of band and since you have other ECs you should be fine.

Quit band. It won’t hurt you for college admit, and you will have more time to do something you care about more. At a higher level, I would say don’t do things just to get into college. Get good grades and test scores, but for the rest of it, spend your time doing something constructive that you care about.

Ok thanks! Thankfully my other EC’s I both care about and will probably look good to colleges. I know that this won’t make or break my application, but I guess I was just wondering if it would hurt it at all. So thanks for the outside opinions.