Should I do AP Calculus and/ or Physics Senior Year?

<p>I'm really confused and frazzled right now and not confident as to what I should take next year and what would help me get into college.
I was planning to take next senior year:
AP Comparative Gov- compares government from around the world from 6 countries
AP Euro
AP Environment - I need a science credit, and prefer this over physics, Im taking AP BIO this year
Chinese 1
French 2- have to do this for a language requirement
English 12 Regular - need one more english requirement
Global Marketing - Need this to stay in DECA</p>

<p>Now I'm thinking about switching it up and adding calculus or physics.
I am not that good in math or science, but good at memorization. Math almost always takes me a long time to do and concentrate. (it takes me sometimes about 1 hour or so to do one or two math problems because I just can't concentrate or understand without another person guideing me)
I do NOT want to switch out of AP Comparative, AP Euro, Chinese 1, French 2.
(I'd rather not switch out of Global Marketing because that is the only way to stay in DECA, an international marketing club, and been in there for 2 years, soo I think it looks better on a college app that I have been in a club consecutively for 3 years--- because most of the clubs/ sports i did i only did one year just to try. )</p>

<p>I plan on going into politics/ international relations in college, and looking at American University- I live near by but outof state, and UK colleges. </p>

<p>I dont think you need physics nor calculus in politics, but American University requires calculus, so if i dont take it next year or dont get a 4 or 5 on the AP exam and get into American, I would have to take calculus in college. AP Stat or econmics does not count towards the calculus credit they offer at American, so I do not want to take either of those.</p>

<p>I could possibly take Physics or AB calculus or English 12 over the summer, but its 750 dollars.
I also heard that BC calculus teachers are much nicer and better teachers overall than AB Calculus. Should I do BC?
What should I do? Over the summer? Take calculus instead of physics next year? Take physics anstead of calculus next year? Take physics over the summer and calculus next year? Take calculus over the summer and physics next year? Or should I not do physics nor calculus since it doesn't pertain to my major and was not planning on taking another math? Take english over the summer and do physics and calc next year-- sounds too hard for me but maybe?
DOes it look bad if I do not have calculus or physics on my college resume? Does it look rlly bad if I did not do a math next year and just did AP Enviro as a science?
ughh Im just really stressed as to what I should do.. please help ! :)</p>

<p>Have you taken any physics in high school at all? Some colleges want to see all three of biology, chemistry, and physics (not necessarily AP).</p>

<p>However, it looks like calculus will be a bit more useful from a credit standpoint. It may also be helpful if you take a calculus-based statistics course in college (social studies subjects often make use of statistics).</p>

<p>If you take calculus, BC will cover more material and will approximate a college calculus course, while AB will cover less material and move at a slower pace.</p>

<p>Here are some suggestions… Go on the AU thread on College Confidential and see if anyone knows how important it is to have taken the three core sciences in HS - bio, chem and physics. I agree with ucbalumnus - if you’ve already taken physics then I don’t think AP Physics is necessary. If you haven’t taken any physics, consider taking “regular” physics instead of AP. Or if it looks like having the 3 core sciences isn’t that important for AU, go with APES.
Take a look at what credits you get at AU for different AP scores at [Credit</a> by Exam | American University](<a href=“Exam Credit | American University, Washington, DC”>Exam Credit | American University, Washington, DC). Looks like AB Calc gives you credit for Calc I and BC gives you credit for both Calc I & II. Look around the AU website to find info on gen-ed and major-specific requirements. If Calc II isn’t required, then there’s no reason to stress yourself by taking BC Calc. If Calc I is required for your major or gen-eds and math isn’t your strongest subject, it might be better to take AB Calc in HS, which is probably a year-long course, and test out of the 1-semester Calc I class in college. If calculus isn’t required at all for your major, you can skip math entirely, but you might want to ask how AU views fewer than 4 years of HS math. And finally, if you decide to take a class in summer school, I would suggest English if you are not strong in math and science. The faster pace of summer school might make physics or calc more challenging for you. Just some suggestions from a mom who is long out of college :)</p>

<p>Thanks :), I did not take physics yet, sorry for not clarrifying. I think I will take Calculus next year or over the summer- its an Online Course, but it still is challenging so I dont know yet, probably just AB instead of BC, or maybe physics regular online-- just rather not deal with both of these courses, especially at the same time senior year,. and kind of shy of taking physics senior year when most people take it junior year…</p>