Should I double up on sciences my Junior year of high school?

<p>I just started my Junior year of high school, currently enrolled in the I.B. program. </p>

<p>Schedule looks like this:
IB Chemistry
IB English III
IB Art
IB History of the Americas
IB Spanish 4
IB Theory of Knowledge
Pre- IB Algebra II
Guitar I</p>

<p>Should I drop the guitar class and take up AP Environmental Science to double my sciences? Does that look better on college applications? And those of you who have taken AP Environmental, was it hard or easy for you? </p>

<p>On one side I've wanted to learn how to play the guitar since I was like 8 or 9. But on the other hand, I'm very intrigued by Environmental Science as well and am involved in Environmental Club and Global Studies Club(club for sustainable agriculture). Guitar is going to be a mega easy class so I was kinda looking forward to having a break from the rigor of IB, but if AP Environmental looks better on my college apps and isn't super hard I'd prefer to take that instead. Help!</p>

<p>The AP Environmental is one of the hardest to get a 5 but an easier class to take. I would recommend guitar because you really need to take a break from the IB/AP. Colleges will not accept or reject you because you did not take one extra college level class.</p>

<p>I’ve always heard that AP Environmental is the easiest AP. Your school may be different so ask upperclassmen about your specific teacher. Why wouldn’t you take it? It is a GPA booster, and unless you to play the guitar it is much better to take AP Environment. Looking at your course load you shouldn’t have to much trouble with adding AP Environment, in fact it may be better for you as you won’t be required to practice guitar and will have more time. In terms of colleges, the more AP’s the better.</p>

<p>I disagree bro, don’t stack up so many APs that you lose it all on AP Environmental.</p>