Should I drop AP Spanish?

I am a senior and this would be my 7th year of taking Spanish level wise. It’s only been 6 days and I already feel myself struggling in the class and now doesn’t feel like a good time to take risks with my GPA. I feel like to do well in the class you need to be very good at memorizing which I am not. This class also takes up a large chunk of my day because it has a very heavy workload and I have a very low motivation of doing it since I have no interest in the class. Dropping Spanish would not show up on my transcript if I drop before Oct 5th. It would be as if I never took the class in the first place.

The reason I am hesitant about dropping is that I didn’t take any APs junior year and I feel that I need to make up for that this year. With AP Spanish Lang I would be taking 3 senior year - AP Calc AB and APCS. The latter two are important to my intended major (CS) but Spanish is not. (I am aware that my major can change and I might have required foreign lang in my college).

The other reason is, the only thing I can replace AP Span with is a Late-in. I have taken all the levels of Spanish under AP. Our school only lets us make level changes, not to take another subject. Since there is no other level of Spanish I can take, I would have to drop it completely and take a study hall or Late-in.
I guess my secondary question is: Does a Late-in look bad when I could have instead taken a class?

I am not applying to top prestigious and highly selective schools, just mainly state schools(Temple, RU, PSU, UMD, TCNJ, Drexel, and NEU). Does one class even hold importance or am I overthinking everything?

It’s probably okay to drop it given your lack of interest. It would be better if you could sub in something else that’s academic, but I doubt this would be a tipping point at the schools you’re considering with your interests.

@lonelymoonlight - It’s safe to drop AP Spanish. It’s ok to challenge yourself in the classroom, but you have to protect that GPA. You would be better served by making B’s or higher in your other two AP courses, especially since those relate more to your desired major.

Hope our advice helps!

Several of those schools are rolling or EA? Keep AP Spanish if you have a good chance of being accepted before January 2017 at one of your top choices. If your school is like ours you don’t need to take the AP. Yes a late start looks BAD. BAD. Really BAD. This isn’t an elective.