I am a senior and this would be my 7th year of taking Spanish level wise. It’s only been 6 days and I already feel myself struggling in the class and now doesn’t feel like a good time to take risks with my GPA. I feel like to do well in the class you need to be very good at memorizing which I am not. This class also takes up a large chunk of my day because it has a very heavy workload and I have a very low motivation of doing it since I have no interest in the class. Dropping Spanish would not show up on my transcript if I drop before Oct 5th. It would be as if I never took the class in the first place.
The reason I am hesitant about dropping is that I didn’t take any APs junior year and I feel that I need to make up for that this year. With AP Spanish Lang I would be taking 3 senior year - AP Calc AB and APCS. The latter two are important to my intended major (CS) but Spanish is not. (I am aware that my major can change and I might have required foreign lang in my college).
The other reason is, the only thing I can replace AP Span with is a Late-in. I have taken all the levels of Spanish under AP. Our school only lets us make level changes, not to take another subject. Since there is no other level of Spanish I can take, I would have to drop it completely and take a study hall or Late-in.
I guess my secondary question is: Does a Late-in look bad when I could have instead taken a class?
I am not applying to top prestigious and highly selective schools, just mainly state schools(Temple, RU, PSU, UMD, TCNJ, Drexel, and NEU). Does one class even hold importance or am I overthinking everything?