<p>@Weekyl - LOL, sorry to spoil your court jester routine. Just my way of saying be careful not to cross the line by laying it on too thick. IMO you just edged up to it, but I certainly got your point. But too much sarcasm can, I think, cause the target to get so incensed that they fail to get the point. And of course I agree that those with top flight credentials need to present them in the best way. Even at the Ivy type schools that see superior achievement on a regular basis, strong resumes still impress all on their own. Better to learn that here than to get smacked down by admissions. That is part of what CC is for, after all.</p>
<p>@Weekyl @fallenchemist I honestly had no idea whether or not I was qualified, and I also had no idea how to present my EC’s and stats on my application. It seems instead of attempting to help me like CC is for, you have been trying to hide your criticisms of me under “helpful advice.” You can think that I am here for an ego trip and that I only want a prestigious school, but Yale is in fact the only out of state school I want to apply for. Instead of helping me, you have been pretending you know who I am and what my intentions are by fitting me into a stereotype. I guess I shouldn’t attempt to use a website for college help to actually get help. Don’t worry, it won’t happen again. @fallenchemist you actually were very helpful, and much of this is not directed at you, but you still stuck me into a stereotype. </p>
<p>@Struggleman - No, I am trying to tell you how it comes across. Where did I stick you into a stereotype? I am very happy to take you at your word that you were not sure you were qualified. I simply wanted to make sure you realized that making the fact that being 2nd in your class seem like a partial failure, that you had to make an “excuse” for it, will strike most people the wrong way. Trust me, Weekyl is not the exception as to how people react to what seems like false modesty. It might not be false at all, but as they say, it is all about perception. How is that not helpful criticism? I did nothing but try to help you, but of course you are welcome to go elsewhere for advice if you think this advice is off the mark.</p>