Should I even be a doctor if I suck at science?

Here are my science grades:

  • General Chemistry - A
  • General Chemistry Lab - A
  • Calculus I - B+
  • Calculus II - B+
  • Statistics - B+
  • Organic Chemistry I - B-
  • Organic Chemistry I Lab - A
  • Organic Chemistry II - P (COVID-19 times, would have been a B or B+)
  • Physiology for Non-Biology Majors - A
  • *Research Methods in Psychology - A+
  • *Foundations of Data Science - A
  • *Biological Anthropology - A

Based on this information only (~3.56 sGPA), should I continue to pursue medical school?

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: How do I know if I should switch from my current field to medicine? I’m 23 and not in college anymore

Deleted…didn’t realize you’re already in college.

@vpa2019 please read the OP’s other thread. He doesn’t seem to want any constructive help, and has gone against CC TOS.

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Since the OP has made his decision, I see no point in keeping this thread open