Should I graduate High School early?

<p>I'm a freshmen in High school, my GPA is a 2 as of now. I want to graduate early, but I'm not sure if a lot of colleges accept early graduates. HELP?! ANYONE?! </p>

<p>not before you work on your writing, OP :smiley: </p>

<p>are you going to tell us any more of your circumstances or make us ask for each one?</p>

<p>Your GPA is 2.0?</p>

<p>Why do you want to graduate early? I don’t think graduating early is a good idea because there are almost always better options (dual enrollment, for example). If you stay in high school for four years, you’ll have more time to develop your resume, and that will allow you to get into better colleges and get more merit aid at your safety schools. </p>

<p>I think most colleges will accept younger students with high school diplomas, and there are some colleges that accept younger students without high school diplomas (offhand I can think of Georgia Tech, Wellesley, and Reed). </p>

<p>Thanks, that was helpful. :smiley: </p>

<p>With a GPA of 2, don’t.</p>

<p>The only situation I could think of for you graduating early would be if you were interested in going to a trade school for welding or something like that. I had a friend with a 2.5ish GPA you graduated early, got certified to weld (idk exactly what he did), and he is now working welding (no idea what his pay is) </p>

<p>No. </p>

<p>Live out the high school experience. Once you leave high school, you have more responsibilities. Find a group of friends and savor that time.</p>