<p>thanks Soccer102596</p>
<p>Well, I just got my acceptance letter and I applied ED II as well. My SATs were pretty low too, but my EC’s probably stood out from the rest of the crowd. I think RPI said that everyone should get their acceptance letters by Jan 16th, but the catch is that you must submit your deposit by the 20th. I’m happy that I’m accepted, but I got almost no grant money. This school is $52,000 and I don’t think it’s worth even paying over $40,000 a year at any school (unless it’s an Ivy or MIT) for a B.S. I applied to Rutgets, Penn State, and NJIT too, but I was not afraid to attend one of these “safety” schools either. If you don’t get in, I’m sure you will do well at any other school; just keep your options open. Hopefully we may be future classmates :)</p>
<p>Wow, how was your GPA and your course load?</p>
<p>If I may ask, and yes I hope I will be a future classmate…</p>
<p>My GPA is higher, especially my 1st quarter Senior year (though I’m not doing so well this quarter haha). I had all B+'s and above, and only one C+ in American history II and one B in English III. I was in scattered accelerated and AP courses, but no more than 3 per year (except my senior year). RPI accepts about 49% ED (and perhaps maybe more), so I guess everyone has a 1:2 chance. Regular admissions is about 39%, so a letter of defferal still doesn’t mean you’re out of the picture. If you don’t get a letter soon, I’d call the school.</p>
<p>Hmm, only three AP’s per year, well you are wise not to have drowned yourself in really tough classes!!! Congrats and I hope that the mail man brings me good news