Should I join a sorority?

<p>I'm kinda interested in joining a sorority but I am not sure if I should! I heard that most sororities are interested in freshmen, which I kinda am, but I have done dual enrollment which means when I get to my university I'll already have my AA and be classified as a junior. would this change sororities opinions of me since I'll only be there for two years instead of all four?
Also if anyone is already in one can you tell me how much times events takes compared to how much time you have to study?</p>

<p>Although this was posted back in February, I see you did not get an answer and you’re active, so I’ll give it a shot.
Yes, most sororities want freshmen; however, sororities want good students, too. If you have a high GPA, that will greatly help you. Depending on where you’re going to school, you should be open to all the sororities. Don’t decide you’ll only pledge the biggest, most in-demand groups. More than likely, the smaller groups are the ones that will consider you a prospect.
Also, when you register, you can explain your status, and when you ask alumnae for recommendations be sure to put on your resume your status explanation. You aren’t the first rushee with advanced class standing to go through rush. They’ll understand what’s going on.</p>