Okay…I am starting to strongly hate college, I thought college was going to be an awesome experience by meeting friends, getting my work done, living on my own in my own apartment!
But nope, I am having 2 out of my 3 classes, behind on all 5 classes, failed two of my midterms, missed about 4 days of all of my Mondays and Wednesdays classes.
Well, this isn’t a surprise, I hated high school! I strongly hated school in general because I dealt with heartbreak, rejection, bullying, drama, etc. My parents passed away last year and that’s when my self-esteem, work ethics, everything went down… I suffer from ADHD, anxiety, and maybe a little bit of PTSD.
Now, that I am alone, I feel like there’s no hope for me now that college is where you are either successful or a lost cause. Now, I am a part of CYF (Children, Youth, and Families) since I am an orphan and they helped me get into college. They helped me find an apartment, got my financial aid situated, clothes, food, money! I am blessed to what I have but I feel like I am a crappy person who won’t get anywhere in life now.
This is all coming back to me, I feel like I am nothing, I feel like I am going to turn out like my mother who dealt with substance abuse and my father who died from kidney disease because he was obese and stress. That’s going to be me…
The universe doesn’t want me to be successful. My family is looking up to me to break the cycle of my generation to graduate college and move to California. I really love drawing, illustration, 2D design, etc.
I go to church and pray for strength from this sorrow but the devil is taking over and I HATE IT!
I went to counseling for help, they told me to have a working tracker and time manage my work, I followed his order, still isn’t working. Then I asked for a tutor, he was no help either, he was really rude to me really. I asked for others for help in my class, they seem to not want to work with me because I wasn’t cool enough, again–I am being bullied…High school all over again…
It’s over, I can’t do it.
Like in the back of my mind though, I feel like I can’t give up, I am dedicated my whole family to break the cycle. I promised them to make them proud, because I was a hot mess in 2016, like a REAL HOT MESS. I want to change but I don’t know how, I want everyone to love me for me, but I am afraid.
I want to be successful, but it’s hard to reach those goals. It seems impossible.
Someone, anyone? Help me, please?