Should I Minor in Statistics?

<p>I am majoring in journalism and I just finished my first year of college. </p>

<p>I've taken two classes required for a statistics minor and I finished with A's in both classes. People have told me that employers love to see people who have minored in stats and that it would help me to get a good job eventually.
I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the subject or knew if this was true.
Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Have you ever looked at Cal Newport’s Study Hacks blog? If not take a look and focus in on his “Want a Job? Don’t Major in Business.” post which should explain some things for you. </p>

<p>Employers might or might not like to see people who have minored in stats, but it will make you stick out. People who have taken more then the required math normally do better when it comes to salary, specifically when it comes to if they have taken calculus or not. </p>

<p>As a journalism major statistics will be especially helpful in that you are most likely going to be dealing with them at some point in your writing and actually understanding what they are saying can be a plus. Numbers don’t lie but you can always interpret them to suit your needs.</p>

<p>I think analytic skills would be useful to any journalism major, so a minor in statistics sounds like a good idea to me. My son who starts college in the fall is considering journalism and is thinking of computer science as a minor. I also think economics is a good minor.</p>