Should I play sport? Should I transfer?

<p>I started tennis kind of late, this January and I'm 17 now. I'm on the lower side of the team right now and frequently get beaten off by people. I am a sophomore. So I think that I wouldn't stand much chance playing sport because I may not ever get recruited. Should I drop tennis and concentrate on clubs and school?
I am going to transfer next year to a top school of my town. I'm currently studying in the worst. I wonder whether I should stay, if I get strong test score and soar well in academy. My school's an inner school at a gangsta neighborhood with 80% Black and Mexican. The only Asians here are my race, which is South East Asian ( from Viet Nam). My mom and dad don't work so the income is extremely low and I'm planning to get a job next year when I turn 18. The top school I plan to transfer is extremely small, competitive public, sending a few people to Ivies & top colleges each year. I'm not sure about my transfering because I might lose a tip/ hook factor of being a star in a bad school.</p>

<p>What should I do, should I
1) continue playing tennis? ( not dropping it completely, just play it once in a while as opposed to playing it everyday and not improved. Partly since I'm very uncoordinated ( haven't played any sport frequently when I was younger) and having 6 degrees on myopia).</p>

<p>2) transfer? ( given that my grade, I think, will drop at the other school but high at my current school. Supposed I study hard and pass AP exams and SAT high)</p>

<p>I forgot to mention, I'm a first generation</p>

<p>Continue to play tennis if you enjoy it. If you don’t and believe your grades or participation in other areas of school will suffer, then stop or play less often.</p>

<p>Transfer if you don’t like your current school, and based on your description it doesn’t sound like you do. Don’t make your decision to transfer based on what you think will look better for college, though—that’s ridiculous. And anyway, a stronger curriculum at a better school will prepare you much better for college than poor a school where you can cruise by and get top grades.</p>

<p>I will apply to some of the Ivies and Stanford and Rice. But really I suck at tennis. I don’'t know whether I should give it some more time because people say tennis is hard to master and it usually takes several years to accomplish.
I’m a little afraid about transfering. This year I called in a lot to the GT coordinator to ask about applying, and my school’s coordinator said she did it for me. But it turned out my application never came. So I called again several time and they said yes and allowed me to apply. But when I applied they rejected me, saying that there was no room ( although the counselor, not the GT coordinator, said there was when I saw her a little while before sending application) and the deadline had passed ( but they had allowed me to apply again!). So I asked my aunt to call in and the GT coordinator said everything’s done and I couldn’t do anything about it.</p>

<p>I don’t know if the GT coordinator at the school I’m applying to holds any grudge against me. Maybe I called in too much. I self calculated my score and I think I’m qualified for that school but they still didn’t take a look at my file. This year I will apply again to see what happens.</p>

<p>In the case I am accepted, should I go? I’m afraid that when it comes to college the GT coordinator will have some influence on my recommendation? Or does she have anything to do with it at all? Or just the counselor can do it?</p>