<p>So I just got contacted for an interview for an ivy league school. However, the interviewer is graduating this year and is the sibling of someone in my grade at my school. Since I know the interviewer's sibling, should I request a different interviewer? Or am i just over reacting?</p>
<p>I would recommend it. I know as interviewers, we aren’t to interview the year our kids are seniors. I don’t see why that wouldn’t happen for siblings as well.</p>
<p>My brother interviewed for Duke with the mother of a verrry close friend. I see it as an advantage, but if you feel uncomfortable, feel free to send Admission a note about the relationship, and let them make a decision.</p>
<p>Frankly, I think you’re over thinking this.</p>
<p>Just go with the assigned interviewer and stick to the issue at hand – that of you and your application to Duke. Who the interviewer knows or doesn’t know is really irrelevant.</p>