Should I send my ACT or SAT to the UCs?

For the UCs, I applied as an applied mathematics major.

I got a 34 on the ACT, (35 E, 35 M, 33, R, 31 S)
I also got a 1490 on the SAT (770 E+W, 720 M)

Which one should I ultimately officially send to the UCs?

The ACT scores, no question. First, because 34 composite is the 99th percentile, versus the 98th for 1490, and, more importantly, if you’re applying for mathematics, 720 in SAT math is the 94th percentile, while 35 in ACT math in the 99th percentile.

I’m just worried my ACT science score will hold me back. Do you think the science section should warrant sending the SAT despite the difference in the math scores?

The thing is that, although 720 in math is an excellent score, BTW, but not for any prospective math major. I think that, for a math major, you really want to demonstrate only strength in math.

However, I will summon our top UC expert to ask: @Gumbymom - what do you think?

Just send the ACT. The science section of the ACT is not as important as the Math and English sections. Congrats on a great score.

For UC, I don’t see a problem in sending both. At the individual UC campuses, there are a good 24-30% who’ve submitted both, which reflects in a UC campus reporting 124-130% of the combined percentages of the SAT and ACT in its CDS (say, 78% who’ve taken the SAT and 50%, the ACT for a combined 128%). I think that UC Davis is the lone exception, because they pare back their numbers close to 100%, which I believe means they cull out the lower scores internally (actually there would be extraneous higher scores too, but in lesser numbers in relation to those which are lower).

UCLA used to have a reportage of 38-40% of students who submitted both (or 138-140%), and most of them were those who were showing effort by reporting both – most likely as first-generation students who had lower scores, but wanted to show that they tried to raise their score, and probably did so in subsequent takes, but only moderately because they weren’t equipped with the coursework, say, a better high school might have given them. UC awards these students and even impels them to take the boards numerous times for them to become accustomed to standardized tests.

Therefore, I don’t think UC would mind, and they’d give you big effort points by reporting both, in addition to their being excellent scores.

All the best. Are you applying next year?

Thanks for the insight! I’m applying this year, but scores aren’t due until the end of December.

@Mystrick77 . . . good catch and my mistake…

I was answering your initial post as to what score between the ACT and SAT you would report on your application, which of course was due by the end of November 30th.

You were actually asking, “What score should I send in to the University (from the testing center itself)?” Btw as an aside, if you send in your scores to one campus, that one UC will send them to all the UCs to which you apply, so it’ll save you some $$.

But since you will have had to report one or the other score or both by 11/30, this will affect which score(s) you send out. The UC wants all scores sent, regardless if both tests were taken a combination of two to 10 times. But if you’re trying to hide the one as if it didn’t exist, then you would have reported the one you want as part of your stats on your app, and not to send in the one you’re trying to excise from your records.

But again, UC wants to see all scores, so I believe reporting both on your app would have been most beneficial.

UC’s recommend to send all ACT or SAT scores. You are not required to send both. They will take the highest score from a single sitting.

ACT for sure, SAT won’t hurt. I assume you took it with the writing component, yes? That’s required for UC.

Yes, 11/12 for ACT writing and 17/24 for SAT Writing.