Should I send this score? How to cancel?

I have received a score of 630 on SAT BIOLOGY M
it is my worst subject test and I have sent it. Should I call and ask for it to be cancelled from sending or should I send it anyways?

There is no way you can prevent the college from getting the score. You can cancel a test only by doing so by the Wednesday after taking it. I am assuming you “sent” the score by identifying the college as one to receive scores in your test application. If so, you had until 9 days after the test date to change that designation and once that period passed, there is nothing you can do to prevent the sending or take it back. Moreover, in that situation, it is highjly likely the score was actually sent to the college two days before you got it online. If instead, you just today ordered the scores sent after they came out, you also have no way to prevent the send or cancel it because once you complete that order online, it cannot be changed or cancelled.

@drusba Thank you for your response! How should I go about handling this then? This is only for my EA/ED schools and will most likely retake it during December.

As stated above, it is too late to cancel.

Good luck with your re-testing!