Should I send updates to my college one by one Or send all updates in one single email?

Hi guys would you recommend I send an update to my school once I have received an award/done something noteworthy or compile everything and send them in together as one single update? I just won an award today, but in mid-Feb I’m organising a really big event. So I’m wondering if I should: 1) update my school about this award today then wait till mid-Feb and send in another update about the event OR 2) wait until mid-Feb to send in an update about both my award (which I got today) and the Feb event? Thanks!!


How big an award? If it’s at the school level, wait.

It’s a national award! And relevant to one of my main extracurricular activities

It sounds like a big deal if it’s a national award, but maybe not so impressive if it is for something insignificant, like you are the national bird calling champion, etc… If it’s prestigious, I would send it now. But you do need to be careful, because you intend to update about this other thing too. Don’t annoy them at a super busy time of year. If the event you are organizing is definitely happening and you can easily show that (is there a web link or something?) then I personally think you should just include that info now.

@Lindagaf well I don’t really have proof that it is happening per se… for most of my schools, I just need to submit updates through the applicants’ portal (instead of emailing the school). If that’s the case, should I just submit my updates one by one? It’s actually for a chess national tournament (with chess being one of my main extracurricular)

Just send the info. You have asked the question a thousand times. No one can tell you exactly what the right thing is.

I am not sure what you plan on doing for updates exactly- how you’re sending it. But, if you’re sending an email with recent achievements, then include all the ones that are noteworthy in ONE email. Secondly, if you meant to say should you send that email to all the colleges in one go? Yes, just be sure to use the BC function on email so the colleges do not see that you are sending that update to other schools as well. Personally, I’d feel better if I individually sent each college the update with personalized greeting. Plus, I don’t really think you can do that through email so well since you’ll need to include your application info (maybe an id or so on forth)

A single email. Don’t inundate them with a bunch of emails.