I live in America and I am interested in studying in the UK. I received an offer to the University of Edinburgh, Nottingham, and Newcastle. The Nottingham offer is a bit of a reach, but the Edinburgh and Newcastle ones seem fairly attainable. As an accounting and finance major, from the USA, which school do you think is better???
Also, do you think it is beneficial for me to study in the UK? I really am so confused and need to have a decision soon
In the US, accounting principles are FASB dictated and American universities tend to teach to these standards. I don’t believe, although I could be incorrect, that the FASB is applicable in the UK. I am NOT an expert in this area, however, I respectfully suggest you investigate this thoroughly before making any decision. To illustrate, accounting isn’t like medicine . . . an appendix is identical globally, but accelerated depreciation may not be.
Are you currently accounting/finance major looking for a Master’s degree, or a high school student who wants to study accounting?
If you want to study accounting, you need to go to an accredited school, otherwise your degree won’t be “usable” directly. You could of course do your Bachelor’s degree in the UK and do the Master’s in the US.
Edinburgh is a TERRIFIC city and it’s tops/Russell Group (~the British version of the Ivy League).
Yes, true, because I’m not sure if I would want to settle in the UK or USA after I finish studying. I’m a high school student, so I want to get my Bachelors in the UK, and possibly will want to get my Masters from the London School of Economics or Oxford. That’s why I think earning my Bachelors in the UK will help me in the future (in terms of the way the programs are structured and are more directed towards my major, in comparison to American Universities). I know that Edinburgh and Newcastle both have triple accreditation, which less than 1% of schools in the world have, so I’m really stuck between the two- do you know which is better or which you would pick?