should I submit these SAT IIs?

<p>My SAT II scores: </p>

<p>Math II- 770 (10/2008)
Chemistry- 710 (10/2008)
French- 670 (10/2008)
Math I- 760 (6/2007)- (after algebra II)</p>

<p>should I put all the tests on the application? Would the french hurt me at all? I am applying for engineering and PA to Ross.</p>

<p>another question- what do i do if I have more than 5 APs? The section only has enough room for 5</p>

<p>When you request SAT scores or AP scores from, they send everything (SAT scores, SAT II scores, PSAT scores, and AP scores). As far as I know, you cannot select which SAT or SAT II scores to send. Even so, umich doesn’t care about SAT II so I doubt your 670 will hurt you.</p>

<p>I ran into that 5 AP issue also. It really doesn’t matter, since umich will see all your APs when you send them your transcript.</p>

<p>whatever .</p>

<p>I submitted mine and I got a 770 Math II and 720 Chem; I got in</p>

<p>i have a 680 on math level 1 and 660 on literature (never took a literature course prior to test) and those grades are much lower than my ACT (35 composite). So i called the university and asked if i should send them and the woman said that because they are not required they can’t hurt, only help essentially despite being much lower.
hope that helps.
(i was accepted recently)</p>