<p>I took the ACT in september and got a 27(E:31, M:30, R:22, S:26). Last June I recieved a 29 (E:32, M:26, R:30, S:29). If I superscore is raises my score to a 30, but if I send my most recent score will universities look down on my poor reading score?</p>
<p>Would totally depend on whether the schools you are applying to superscore the ACT…hate to break this to you, but you are going to have to sit down and call each of them and ask…</p>
<p>Most schools only look at the highest composite…so you need to check…and IMO I would call since this seems to change at schools daily…literally.</p>
<p>Here is a list. Not sure how current it is. [Colleges</a> that super score ACT | College Admissions Counseling](<a href=“http://www.collegeadmissionspartners.com/college-testing/colleges-superscore-act/]Colleges”>Colleges that superscore the ACT - BS/MD Admissions by College Admissions Partners)</p>
<p>I plan on applying to WUSTL, Reed, John’s Hopkins, UChicago, and a few in state safety schools. I’m pretty sure most of these superscore, except the state schools. Will they look down on my reading score? I really messed up.</p>
<p>I think anyone can have a bad day and score significantly lower than they should, but it’s unlikely to have such a good day that a score is significantly higher than one’s capabilities would suggest. I think that’s why superscoring is considered more accurate.</p>
<p>That would be a good reason for the SAT to superscore since they penalize for guesses. Not so true with the ACT. Luck does happen.</p>
<p>Okay, thanks for all of your input!</p>
<p>I have the same problem. Last test, i got a 29( 32 math, 31 reading, 27 english, 25 science)
The test I took in spetember, I got a 28( 34math, 22 reading, 28 english, 28 science). And my superscore is a 30.25.</p>