I’m currently an undergrad freshman Economics/Finance major in the business school at my school. However, after taking some intro classes and reading about job opportunities in the field, I’m really disliking my choice. I’ve always been good at math so i considered switching to a math major. However, I want to do something applicable with my life and not just be an academic in theoretical math. So I’ve been considering engineering. My concerns are that I would be behind and way over my head because of the workload. And I’m worried that it won’t be worth it in the end. Thoughts?
yes, done lots of research im still a sophomore. I think it’s more amusing to engineer and rewards you on your skills… I don’t see assurance in business for some reason. engineers all have a high job demand and get quite the pay. Regarding you’re into a math aspect of things, switch to engineer for the mean time. It will have a closer approach as to what you actually want to be. Relate them to some of your interests and narrow it down to a specific major. Hope i helped