Should I take 12 credit hours this summer?

<p>Hi, I am a Pre-PT/Exercise Science major about to complete my first year of college. I'm really considering staying during the summer to take some courses. My primary reason for staying is that I just got a job working at a healthcare company and really do not want to lose the job. However, it's not worth it to have to sublease a room just to work 28 hrs. a week when I can easily get a summer job back home. </p>

<p>I found some courses that are required for my major that I could take during the summer that would definitely lighten my course load in the fall when I have to take anatomy and physiology and possible chem. All together they are 12 credits. Is that too much for a summer? It seems like a lot for that short amount of time, but during the summer I wouldn't have to worry about all of my sorority stuff or anything else I'm involved in. My primary focus would just be on school and work.</p>

<p>This would be my schedule (M=monday, T=tuesday, W=wednesday, R=thursday, F=friday)
Physics I. 5/27-6/27. MTRF. 10:30-12:40 with lab TR 1:30-3:20.
Ethics. 5/27-6/27. WEB course
World Civ. 6/16-6/27. WEB course
EXS295. 7/14-7/25. MTWRF. 8:00-12:00</p>

<p>(EXS295 description-A course designed for exercise and allied health science students working with physically active persons to respond to emergency situations. Students will learn to provide first aid and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the professional rescuer level. American Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer, Responding to Emergencies First Aid, and other various certifications may be earned.)</p>

<p>Generally I have done very well in WEB courses, however I know that since the time is so short I would probably have a substantial amount of work to do. I've also looked up most of the professors on rate my professor and they have some of the highest ratings in their subject. Do you think this course load would be too hard with a work schedule? Would you recommend dropping World civ?</p>

<p>I work Monday-Wednesday from 4-9 PM, Saturdays from 3:30PM-12AM and Sundays from 1PM-6PM.
All help greatly appreciated =).</p>