Should I take an IB class during my freshman and sophomore years?

Hello everyone, I’m a rising freshman, and I’m thinking about taking either IB Computer Science (HL or SL, not sure) or IB Design Technology (HL or SL, not sure).

I don’t have a lot of experience in academic technology (experience: an alice class, Java Greenfoot, app development, some beginner Khan Acadamy Java work), but I am interested in computers and coding, and was thinking that doing an IB class like this would be good to do now so I have more options available during my junior and senior years (also: college application flair).

Thank you in advance

I don’t see why not as long as you can handle either course. You should, however, communicate this with your school counselor first and be sure there’s no pre-requisite or if there is, how you can waive it.

Isn’t it an IB policy that you must be a junior to take the exams? If you are thinking about doing the IBD, I .would wait.

IB classes expect you to have pre-reqs and junior/senior status. Even strong juniors find them challenging so don’t even think about it as a freshman. If you want to challenge yourself see if you can take honors classes. Freshmen with CS experience can sometimes take AP CS Principles and freshmen/sophomores can take AP Human Geography.