Should I take more than 4 HL classes?

<p>Currently I am taking IB diploma and have 4 HL (Math, Physics, Economics and English)
I wish I could take more but that is the regulation limit, so I have 2 SL (History and Spanish). And I honestly don't see too many benefits in taking diploma.</p>

<p>The heart breaker is that the curriculum runs HL courses for History and Spanish, even though I am listed as SL. So I am receiving preparation for HL material that I will not apply.</p>

<p>Should I drop diploma and upgrade to 6 HL? It would certainly help my GPA, increase college credits, and utilize the extra HL material and make it worthwhile.</p>


<p>I’m pretty sure you’d regret taking all HLs. Sounds like you’re asking for a death wish.</p>

<p>If you are doing your 4 HL as a senior there is no point in upgrading to 6 HL. Colleges will not be able to see your IB HL test results.</p>

<p>Now if you were doing this as a junior it would be something to consider.</p>

<p>Ya, I am a beginning of 2nd quarter Junior!</p>

<p>I recently read something that discussed the number of classes issue - “Many parents were interested in how many AP or IB courses and exams their children should take. The answer, based on conversations with many admissions offices of the most selective colleges, is three to five. Three is fine, particularly if the scores are good. Five is also good, but not much more so. If you take 6, 7, 8 courses and exams and on up in anticipation of the colleges giving more respect to those applicants who take the most AP or IB exams, you will be wrong. It is fine to take that many if the student enjoys them and thinks her time is better spent with them than other available courses but it will do nothing to improve her chances of getting into Harvard. She will be put in the same maybe pile with students who have taken just three APs, and the decision will be made on other factors—GPA and test scores relative to others in her high school’s senior class, recommendations and activities.”
<a href=“[/url]”>Resources for Gifted Children & their Families | Davidson Institute;
But if your school weights the grade differently between SL and HL, it might be worth it to you. And depending on the college, you could get college credit for the HL and not the SL.</p>

<p>There is no advantage to taking more HL courses…Having the IB diploma is what is the value. How you do on the IB exams will determine how much credits you get.</p>