I am currently a Junior in High School. My total GPAs so far have all been above 3.8 (above average but still not too great) and I’ve done fairly well in all of my classes.This year I am taking Spanish 3 and my teacher offered us the option to be graded on a Pass/Fail scale instead of the standard letter grade scale.
My question is, should I take up this offer? My Spanish grades have never been too bad (A- in Spanish 1 and a B+ in Spanish 2) yet I feel as if taking the class Pass/Fail would allow me to focus more on other classes I am taking this year (I’m aiming for a 4.2 this year which is possible with my current class load).
Thoughts? Opinions? The option is still available for us but my teacher said there will be a cutoff for this option soon. How will colleges react when they see a “Pass” instead of a letter grade? Also how may this affect my GPA?