I’m currently in AP Spanish and have already bought the AP test to take in May but an seriously considering backing out. This is only my 4th year of Spanish (my school doesn’t offer honors) and I’m pretty well and self-evaluation and I know I am subpar at Spanish. I’ve always gotten in A in my Spanish classes but I know the test is extremely demanding. Should I go ahead and attempt it and just not report of I get a bad score or just opt out know? Please keep in mind that I’m trying to be a competitive applicant for colleges and do not want this to hurt me. Thanks!
Also my current teacher is the only AP Spanish teacher in school and as she is extremely nice, she’s also known school wide for being a terrible teacher and we do nothing but packet work.
Well you paid for the test, might as well take it. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Since you’ve already paid then go for it, I’ve taken the exam in the past and the main thing you should worry about is time management, and watching out for those pesky accents. I’ve taken the Spanish exam before and scored a 5 on it.
As a plan B, if any college you’re targeting accepts CLEP Spanish test scores for credit, you might consider taking the CLEP (also from the College Board). I hear it’s not as difficult as the AP Spanish test. Do a practice CLEP to see if you could hit the score required by a target college.