Should I take the W grade?

<p>I'm a sophomore at UCI, nearing the end of this semester. I was originally a computer game science major (which involves a lot of programming). I started coding and making small flash games when I was in high school, and I was fairly good at it, but there is a different standard here, and I can't seem to find motivation or interest in it. My grades dropped more and more after each programming class. I thought I could handle it my first year but it's very clear to me now that I should switch majors. I can't see myself doing this as a career.</p>

<p>So I'm currently in a c++ class. It was okay at first, and I completed each project. But towards the middle, it picked up real fast, and I became hopelessly lost and it was too late to drop. This was the point where I got fed up and finally decided to switch majors. And I did. a few days ago I officially changed my major to informatics, which still has the technological relevance that I enjoy with less emphasis on coding. The c++ class I'm taking now is unnecessary for this major.</p>

<p>I'm most definitely going to fail this class, but the question is, should I take a W for my grade, or take the fail? I also care about my GPA. If I take the W then my GPA will be unaffected. If I go with the fail then my GPA will tank. Some people tell me to fail it now and retake it later for a better grade, but the problem is, the content of this course is still being developed since it's new, and the course will have different material in the future. Then I would have no advantage with previous experience. Not that I have experience. I feel like I learned absolutely nothing in this course, that's how lost I am. I'm just not cut out to be a programmer I guess. But then again, a W on my transcript doesn't exactly look good either.</p>

<p>So, should I take the W or try until the end(I'm 95% sure I will fail)? Also consider my GPA. Thanks.</p>

<p>Take the W.</p>

<p>I’ve also consulted a lot of my older friends and most of them act as if a W on your transcript is the end of the world. Like it’s worse than an F. Is it really that bad?</p>

<p>If you are that sure, take the W.</p>