Should I transfer because this college is accredited?

<p>Ok I'm not sure if I want to transfer to this college: Lawrence tech univ and i'm sry all of you guys have never heard of it. I want to major in computer science</p>

<p>I am currently in a college you also, have never heard of, Oakland University. Which its computer science program is accredited.</p>

<p>Lawrence tech however is not accredited and is probrably the least popular major.</p>

<p>However, I love Lawrence tech with its beautiful structures, small class sizes, and it's in a well location away from home.</p>

<p>Oakland university however I've hated it and it's way too close to home and often falling into temptations.</p>

<p>So which one should I go to, what i'm concerned about is if employers, hiring managers, or recruiters are going to question the accrediation of schools.</p>

<p>So are they really going to question you about your school's accreditation if you major in computer science?</p>

<p>Attend a school that is accredited.</p>

<p>Lawrence Tech is regionally accredited. Do you mean accredited by some computer science association? That would all depend on the clout of the association in the industry (hiring) or school officials (implementing requirements).
Sometimes specialized accreditation doesn't tell the whole story. There's many small, private or LAC schools whose graduates garner a better reputation than those that graduate from accredited third-rate publics despite having the same major.
Some specialized accrediting associations make their guidelines public. You may want to explore how and why a school isn't accredited in that specialty.</p>

<p>I don't know whether CS majors are ABET accredited the way other Engineering fields are. Some careers in Engineering really need/benefit from having your degree from an ABET certified school. I'm not sure whether they all do.</p>

<p>I would suggest you post your question on the Engineering forums if you are talking about certification of the major (and maybe even if you are talking about certification of the school itself).</p>

<p>You threw in some interesting side notes about the second school being away from temptations. If those temptations are serious issues (friends into substance abuse, etc.).... that is a very important aspect as well.</p>