Should I try for an IB Diploma or go to a new school and just go for an Honors (AP) Diploma?

My family and I just recently moved to another side of town, and I am no longer in my current school’s zoned district. I am currently enrolled for my current school’s IB program for my upcoming 11th and 12th grade year, but being out of district I’ll have to pay a $1000 tuition to keep attending the school and commute farther. I only want to stay at my current school because of the IB program, but my mom hates the program and I am aware there is a chance I will not get my diploma and instead be given a regular, standard diploma despite all my time and effort. I also want to stay, because I am in Robotics club and orchestra (both of which the new school doesn’t have), and student council which will probably be a little difficult to join at my new school. However my new school is of much better quality, is known for being very rigorous with colleges, offers Advanced Diplomas, and offers a lot more academic and AP options just not an IB program. So far I’m leaning toward the new school, but I’m still not settled on a decision. I’m not planning on going to and Ivy league school if that alters some decisions. (I’m also aware I posted this same question on another forum, but I think it fits better in this forum.)

Choose the AP school. It has advanced diploma, which is a definitely attainable compared to the IB diploma, which depends on the scores you’ll obtain. It will also save you lots of money, since you have to pay tuition and transportation expenses since you have to commute further. If you love orchestra a lot, maybe join a local one? Since you make the new school sound a lot more appealing, I would go there.

Finally a reply! I had decided to go to the new school now, but your reply was helpful in solidifying my decision. I’ll need to work on my orchestra skills a little more before I can try our for the big groups, but I have already given that consideration. Thnx! :slight_smile:

I’m glad you made the decision! (Although I don’r understand how a “rigorous” school doesn’t have an orchestra or robotics club…)

@gonfaloniere I’m from AL compared to other states we have very little to offer. Regardless the school is more rigorous.