Should I write all 3 personal statements?

<p>Virginia Tech's application has an optional personal statement section where the applicant is given 7 topics and can answer up to 3 of them. On the application, it says that this is optional, but is highly recommended. </p>

<p>I have already written 2 personal statements, but with the ED deadline approaching quickly, I'm not sure if I can properly write a 3rd one.
What do you think I should do? Submit my application with only 2, well written personal statements, or submit it with 2 well written personal statements and 1 rushed/subpar personal statement?</p>

<p>Thank you so much for the feedback!!</p>

<p>IMHO one or two well written and reasoned statements is more effective (it creates a more positive image of your abilities and interests) than more, but average, writing. Admission officers will end up reading many many such statements in each admission cycle. You probably lose the officer’s attention very quickly if you writing is sub-par. That would not help your case much.</p>

<p>you can’t write 250 words in two weeks?</p>

<p>I can… But I don’t like the remaining topics so it would take time to come up with something to write about. Also, I would want to get it edited by 1-2 people, hear their feedback, make adjustments… etc. </p>

<p>I was also questioning why someone can’t write 250 words in two weeks. If you can’t do it without outside help you should think about whether you are college material. </p>

<p>Listen, if you can write a very well written 250 word essay on why a diverse campus will benefit you while balancing AP Physics, AP Gov, AP Calc Bc, AP Statistics, AP Econ, Honors English, and extra curriculars, then more power to you. I, on the other hand, don’t think I could… So please, just answer the question or don’t answer at all </p>

<p>So you have a penchant for run on sentences. You DO need an editor. Don’t write it. </p>

<p>Tough crowd…if none of the other topics interest you, I would recommend sticking with the 2 you have. It will be fine. Best of luck.</p>

<p>I agree. Two should be fine. My d is applying too and I hadn’t heard from her about the status of her extra essays for VaTech. I know she is feeling the pressure to complete these essays along with everything else that is demanding her attention. Lots to do in a short period of time.</p>



<p>There’s the essay.</p>

<p>“I will benefit from a diverse campus because I spend all my time now balancing AP Physics, AP Gov, AP Calc Bc, AP Statistics, AP Econ, Honors English, and it was all I could do to squeeze in this 250 word essay”</p>

<p>I’m not kidding. Clean it up a little, remove my sarcasm, and you may have a good starting point. It’s your call.</p>

<p>I was at the VT open house yesterday and the Admissions rep said, referencing the essays, “Optional is code for do them. Take every opportunity we give you to tell us about yourself.” I’m just passing on the info and will let you draw your own conclusion.</p>

<p>" I was at the VT open house yesterday and the Admissions rep said, referencing the essays, “Optional is code for do them. Take every opportunity we give you to tell us about yourself.” I’m just passing on the info and will let you draw your own conclusion."</p>

<p>The same was said at NC State Open House. </p>

<p>Agree. If you have time to write a thoughtful essay, do it. If you are not going to show your best side, don’t. More is not better if done poorly.</p>