Should son switch to ED2 (or even RD) from ED1 before decision day, and can he?

Sorry I misread bcuz OP through in a public school with merit as well but if BU is #2, then yes ED2.

But OP is assuming a 100% full ride at BU and that’s not going to happen - unless you are pell eligible. There will likely be loans and work study and perhaps even a family contribution. EFC is not equivalent of need. Has OP done the net price calculator.

If BU is #2, then the full ride public isn’t relevant.

OP said they are EFC 0, so that’s maximum pell and the NPC result was $2k

Regardless, OP’s S should see if they can switch to ED2 or RD by calling Monday morning. Assuming there’s no place in the portals to make that switch…is that correct OP?


I see, and you noted you have an EFC of $0 above. Good luck with FSU.

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We are Pell eligible with an EFC of $0, so, a full ride may, indeed, happen. No work study will happen in 1st year. NPC indicates $2015 family contribution with $2k being a student loan. My share is $15.
The full ride public is relevant because he may not get into his current first choice which only leaves BU and the full ride.


That is correct. Nowhere on the portal to make that change and nowhere on the website is there any information. And, no emails came re; this (some schools have sent my twins reminders that the due dates were coming re; switching your type of application’s status).

Thank you. I REALLY want him to go to BU. This kid has changed his mind 6 times… so far.

I don’t consider the loan being free is all I was saying.

Per BU’s website, though, if you are pell eligible, your package won’t include a loan - but I suppose work study.

If BU still beats Florida State in your mind, then ED2 is fine.

Good luck

You can see the pell / loan free under what kind of aid should I expect.

Maybe he should pass on ED and ED2 if he’s that uncertain.


He needs the Boost of ED for BU. He’s certain, I just don’t want it to affect the other twin, and wasn’t sure if he even could switch it at this point and if it would hurt him.

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There doesn’t seem to be much of a boost with ED this year. Too many applicants applied ED and many schools seem
to defer or reject a lot in ED this year. If you read through like VA tech ED, Boston College, Ga Tech EA threads. ED is also binding so even if FSU comes through, he couldn’t go if he gets into BU for ED2. RD is probably a better option for him.


It’s not his top choice. So I’m not understanding the point of ED, at all. He should ONLY apply RD. He doesn’t need a boost if he doesn’t want to ED. You said he’s changed his mind six times. That seems a strong indicator that he should NOT apply ED.

He can’t just decide later that he doesn’t want to attend BU after all, should he get in ED2. Parents, students, and schools sign agreements that they understand the binding nature of ED/ED2. ED is binding. That’s it. When people reneg on ED, other than for valid financial reasons, it is very bad for the school that signed documents indicating they understand that ED is binding. Going forward, a college might decide they don’t want to take risks on students from a particular high school. Applying ED then reneging on that agreement takes a spot away from another student.


You wrote that BU is his current #2 choice. You also indicated he has one acceptance in hand with generous merit from a safety/likely school and is awaiting a 12/15 EA decision from an in-state option, FSU, his current #1.

Many families trying to maximize aid and lower their costs face a dilemma with ED, but they recognize that it might not be the best option if they want to compare aid packages from multiple schools. It’s a hard choice, because it does require giving up an ED boost. (One of the strong criticisms of ED is that it gives families that aren’t sweating the cost an advantage.)

But regardless of the financial factors, I don’t see the certainty ED requires here. He’s changed his mind multiple times and no longer views BU as his top choice.

If you are saying he knows BU is his true #2, then ED2, but after (and only after) you get a rejection or deferral from FSU. Of course, ED2 should be off the table if he would still attend FSU should he be deferred.

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You asked if this student pulling out of ED1 will affect his twin’s application.

I’m going to opine…no. Admissions likely won’t even know that two siblings applied at the same time. They are reviewing thousands of applications.

Even IF BU noticed…the twin’s application would be viewed on its own merits, not what the sibling chooses to do.

Your son needs to speak with his guidance counselor and BU admissions first thing Monday to determine if it is possible to move his application out of the ED1 round at this very late date. Keep in mind that an ED application is a commitment signed off on by the student, parent, and guidance counselor.

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OP- don’t let the frenzy of “Gotta be ED or he won’t get in” cloud your thinking at this point.

A- because you don’t know and it might not be true;
B- because if your son has changed his mind six times that’s enough evidence for me that he doesn’t have a true first choice and is getting caught up in the frenzy.

Heading off to a college you’ve decided you don’t want to attend- which is far from home, and possibly more expensive than an option you prefer seems like a sub optimal outcome from where I sit. You know your son- we don’t. If he’d rally and decide “BU wants me and I want them”, then terrific, and he can let the other options go without a second thought. But if he’s the type to agonize over a decision even after it’s been made-- then get on the phone with BU at 8 am on Monday, switch his application ASAP if possible.

I don’t think ANYONE is taking the time to map out family relationships at this point in the season. It is crunch time in admissions offices- all hands on deck, and then Xmas, and then another crunch time in January. So I don’t believe one twin’s actions will impact the other since nobody will even notice the relationship (and if they do, tracing back who applied for what is just too time-consuming).

Good luck. I’m sure your kids will land where they are meant to!


We are Pell eligible, so, no loans.

He’s not uncertain. BU is his his 2nd choice.

If FSU comes through, he can withdraw his BU ED2 application in plenty of time.

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ED isn’t binding if you withdraw your application before acceptance. BU is his 2nd choice now, so, ED2 is the way to go if it’s not too late.

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I know, you had said $2K. Why I included the link to no loans.

I think the confusion on BU being 2nd or not is that you threw in the full ride at public but if BU is above that, it wouldn’t be relevant. If BU is 2nd, go ED2.

If you know ED2 is the right way to go, seems like your post is answered…by you.

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