Should son switch to ED2 (or even RD) from ED1 before decision day, and can he?

My post also had a few questions involving the other twins application, and whether it’s too late to switch from 81 to 82, and I have an asking whether it would affect their review of him. Thanks!

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After FSU? If so, I can see how the timing could work out for ED2.

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Well, is your son willing to bite the bullet on going to BU for sake of his brother? Otherwise, it wouldn’t matter. You talked about sayinig he cannot afford - meanwhile the other can…yeah, not right. And your cost may be $0. Anyone can afford that.

I doubt it will impact kid #2 but I’m not sure the question is relevant unless #1 is willing to honor his committment.

This is why you shouldn’t ED at all or you should go to RD and if ED1 doesn’t work out elsewhere, go back.

Copied from the BU website. Large font is them, not me.

The Only Reason to Apply Early Decision

You are confident Boston University is your top choice school and the best fit for you.

You’ll have to ask BU if you can back out - but as decisions have likely been made, it’s unlikely - and yes, changing may eliminate your son.

Turning down an upfront commitment is wrong.

If you did it, will BU or your son’s life be impacted?

Likely not. But if it’s free and you said you want to use affordability as a reason that makes it a bit less believable.

Best of luck.

Good luck.

Please move the thread back to the OP’s original question (although it seems it has been answered by a number of posters).

Fair enough. Do I think it would be a problem for two kids from the same household having different responses to the same aid package? Yes, I think it would raise some flags. (What BU can do about it is a different matter.)

But a student who has already decided BU isn’t his first choice would not have to grasp at that excuse if he was simply forthright about not wanting to ED1.

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Two kids from the same house should have the same FA request at the same school at this point.

For example, if two kids both expect to contribute 10%, and subsequently, 1 is offered admission at another school that offers a scholarship, it doesn’t mean that he will now be expected to pay less at the first school because he has a better deal elsewhere.

What I don’t know is if the EFC of the second kid goes up as you now have that much to spend. Can anyone here help with that?

In any case, you need to pull the ED1 app because you are not prepared to commit if offered admission at this point.

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I agree with the advice to call BU first thing tomorrow. These are HS kids, after all, and HS kids do change their minds. That’s not so unusual for me to hear. Better to change your mind now than halfway through your freshman year.

Good luck to your twins. It sounds like they will both do well, and I’m looking forward to hearing about their decisions!


Delete - thought i was responding to a PM. sorry.

Not if 1 kid can’t afford to go because the pkg isn’t enough for him.

We don’t know if it will be free. There may be cost involved. And FYI I cannot control a teenager’s decisions. And since I have zero skin in the game this is on him. I told him it’s wrong, but here we are. I cannot make an 18 year olds do anything and he has anxiety that has really ramped up over this. Try some kindness.


I’m asking about whether it can be switched, not pulled completely, but thanks.


Zero parent pressure. This kid changed his mind. Simple.


I don’t understand why this thread is getting so contentious. OP is not suggesting reneging on an ED offer; that’s exactly why they want to pull out of the ED1 pool. If the applicant switches to ED2, but gets an offer from FSU next week and wants to commit, he can pull the application altogether at that point. If he decides he wants to go through with the binding ED2 app, he can do that too.


Apologies - I got a PM on the subject and thought I was responding to that. Not sure how I twisted that. My bad.

Yes, I know these are 18 year olds.

I think BU ED will be out any day - all you can do is call and ask. My guess is it’s too late.

But you have mentioned BU is now #2, you’ll likely go for free with no loans as you are Pell eligible, and your main concern is impacting kid #2.

In the end, I’m sure every school loses ED kids who change their mind. It used to be a bigger deal but some legal wranglings changed that.

Truth is, kids can have a great or not great experience at many a school - and bad too…bad profs, too many TAs, bad roomie.

Good luck to your son. I think it’s likely too late - but the only way to find out is to call and ask.

The best way to reduce the pressure is to reduce the pressure.

If committing to BU is causing anxiety, get on the phone ASAP and switch out of ED. Buy some time to evaluate other options. It’s really not that hard. Nobody is implying that a parent can tell a teenager what to do (or how to feel) but a parent CAN show a kid an escape route when things get too fraught.

I find it hard to believe that BU has the manpower this time of year to track familial relationships or to care about what Twin A might do and if that changes things for Twin B.


I understand there’s been a change in financial circumstances since your twins applied under the ED1 option, and agree that can be a rationale for backing out of an ED decision. BU’s response might be an offer to re-evaluate the aid package, however, and that would force the conversation about the real reason for one son declining BU in ED1.

I wish your sons luck in this process and hope the one who prefers FSU can switch out of ED1 for ED2 or RD. Hang in there!

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But your EFc was already $0, right? Or did I miss something.

Regardless…I think you are doing the right thing by contacting BU in the morning. Good luck!

Thank you posting that. My thoughts exactly. I’m not talking about reneging. Also, 2 kids from the same family do not have to have the same resources or offers or ability to pay for things. I don’t know why people are so angry. I just want to know what options may exist at this late date because my son, like every other teen, changes his mind sometimes. And, will his continued application in a different round affect his chances or his sibling’s?


Thank you!

Don’t assume both have the same resources. They do not. One works, the other cannot. Different kids, different packages. Only my financial situation is the same for both. Whatever happens with the money, it doesn’t affect things for this year. Too late. And, at BU, they give you the same amount all 4 years without requiring a new CSS.