Should standardized tests have faster turn around time re: grading.

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<p>I say giving standardized tests that can not be viewed by the student, teacher or parent until well after the fact diminishes the already limited value of these tests. Multiple choice tests should be instantly graded as they are for several licencing tests around the country while essays are evaluated within a month.</p>

<p>What do you say?</p>

<p>Well, at least NY test results are available in August. In MA, students take the high stakes MCAS in May, and the results are not available until November. What can teachers do, more than two months after school has started, in terms of using these tests for placement?</p>

<p>I agree. Especially when you and your child are trying to figure out whether a retake is needed or if s/he can move on to SAT IIs, it is frustrating. It would be nice to be able to say quite quickly afterward, "Ok, done with that!" </p>

<p>Although when I took my GMAT several years ago, it was both gratifying and horrifying to see my score right away -- but know that I wouldn't get into b-school without a retake! :-|</p>

<p>I'm sure it is no coincidence that the final registration date for SAT I exams is always about two days BEFORE the results of the prior exam are available. I found it frustrating to have to pay for the next exam just in case the previous score wasn't good enough (and this was when it was all multiple choice and a few math fill excuse for the extended lag time).</p>