Should the common app transfer essay be creative or informational?


<p>the why transfer essay on the common app is SO similar to the Why __? question on the particular college's supplement. What do I do? Should I write 2 similar essays? Also, is the why transfer essay on the common app supposed to be creatively written? What's the best way to write this?</p>

<p>When you say informational, you mean persuasive, am I right?</p>

<p>Ideally, both are good.</p>

<p>yes I mean persuasive.</p>

<p>and by persuasive, essentially i mean rattling off convincing reasons that make the school a perfect fit for me. is this ok?</p>

<p>also, how similar can those two essays be? it feels like they are essentially asking the same questions. which one is given more signficiance?</p>

<p>This is what I’m planning on doing.</p>

<p>In the the “Why Transfer” essay you explain how you got where you are right now. What obstacles, unique situations, decisions, etc made you end up where you are now, and why you now need to transfer. - This is a good opportunity to be very personal. Really try to paint of picture of yourself and where you come from.</p>

<p>In the “Why (Insert School)” essay specifically discuss why you wish to transfer into that particular school. What unique opportunities are presented at this school that you feel are not available anywhere else? Which of the school’s programs/faculty/research interests you? Why is this school the only school that offers you what you want/need. - this should really convey what you’re looking for in a school (particularly the one you are applying to) and subsequently, how these particular things paint the type of student/person who you are.</p>

<p>how about if most of my essay talks about the reasons i want to go there and then i add in a little tid bit about how my current school doesn’t have that major?</p>