Should we pack dress clothes?

<p>My son will be a freshman in the Communication dept. Are there any university related activities where he should dress in a blazer, dress shoes, etc? Also, what type of outerwear should we send to get him through the first semester (along with a sturdy umbrella ha ha).</p>

<p>Re Outerwear: My D had a North Face fleece, which she NEVER wore, and a windbreaker, which she wore here and there. Re Dress Clothes: I think there were certain sorority/fraternity things where jackets were required. I doubt that a freshman would need such things. Maybe later on in his major. My D was in the music school so she needed black concert dress right away.</p>

<p>One (max 2) dress outfit is needed. “Just in case.” There will be events where he can brush elbows with department heads where looking nice will be a perk.</p>

<p>Exception: He wants to join a Frat. 4ish dress outfits required in the Spring</p>