<p>Ok im in my friends basement and theres not much else to do. So. Im thinking about applying to... (I'm from the midwest btw)</p>
<p>I'm thinking about some form of engineering.</p>
Maybe Penn, Northwestern, but we'll see</p>
<p>Here's some of my scores and classes...</p>
<p>SAT- 780 Math, 750 Writing, 740 Critical Reading
SAT II- 740 Math II, 700 Literature, 690 Chemistry
ACT-32 (I'll probably retake it)</p>
<p>AP's- Chem (5), Microeconomics (5), and then this year AP Bio, Calc Bc, AP Spanish, AP English
Honors- Western Civ II and US History</p>
<p>I have an average a little bit over 95 for high school. It went up after junior year too. I recently got National Merit Scholar semifinalist as well. I attend a highly competitive private school that is a member of the Cum Laude Society (and does not rank students).</p>
<p>Football- 4 years, Varsity captain senior year, JV captain sophomore year, Varsity letter 3 years, JV letter 1 year, Conference Champs sophomore and junior year</p>
<p>Baseball- 3 years so far, one year Varsity Minor, two years Varsity</p>
<p>Basketball- 1 year, Freshman team, Merit Award</p>
<p>Boy Scouts- (about to be) Eagle Scout, Senior Patrol Leader for past two years, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader two years prior, approximately 50-75 hours of service per year</p>
<p>Latin Club- 2 years Certamen State Champions, various State convention awards, 4 years of Latin Club membership</p>
<p>Service Projects- I organized and lead a service project at a local nursing home in which we created email accounts for residents and established communication with their relatives. (about 50+ hours of service total)</p>
<p>Thanks for any help!!!!</p>