Sign of the Times [NYU organic chemistry course]

Exactly right. But no matter how various posters disparage and insult these kids, we are to treat to view their comments in the best light possible, and treat the posters with the upmost respect. It is the paradox of participating on CC.

How many students in that class do you know are in that category? Or are you just making your own assumptions?


I’ve read their comments. So no, I’m not making my own assumptions. I’m also familiar with how packed many of these kids schedules are. If they have a class scheduled for Monday and Wednesday morning, it is entirely unacceptable to give them the video for the classes on Friday night.

If there are all these “systemic biases” shouldn’t the university address the issue across the board? Won’t physics suffer from the same problem as orgo?
Doesn’t the Disablities Office offer further accommodations for those with documented need?

Ok. So how do you know if this isn’t a complaint from just a single student or a meaningful portion of them?

There’re such technical issues during the pandemic on many campuses. They aren’t unique to this class or NYU.

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If so, then that should be addressed. But this particular professor seemed particularly ill-equipped to prepare these students during this period of time.

Because it came up in multiple comments. And because I know plenty of college students for whom this would create a problem. And because it is an obvious and easy fix. And has been discussed throughout this was far from the only problem.

This professor’s reviews the worst of any professor on the science faculty. He couldn’t even figure out how to teach on Zoom. So it seems the “technical issues” were a bit more severe in his class.

But we’ve covered all this before.

Multiple comments from unknown individuals who purport to be NYU students on an internet forum? And your acquaintance with non NYU students?

No, I wouldnt make any conclusions from that, and you don’t seem to have any other evidence in support, but as you note, we have been over this before.

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Actually I’m on call so my time is not my own. Been on call since 7 am Friday, working on 3 hours of sleep. Call ends 7 pm on Monday. Will try to respond.
If you’re not strong enough to put others before yourself, don’t be a doctor.
You will have patients who are just like Professor Jones. If you want to complain about him as a professor, how are you going to treat him as a patient.
So he doesn’t teach you? Learn on your own. Do you think that after completing medical school, residency and fellowship you know everything? You have to be humble enough to know your limits, that you still don’t know everything, and have the drive and compassion to go to the books to look something up. Or talk to a colleague for advice. Patients don’t always follow the books. I’m learning new things everyday. Patients don’t present as they’re supposed to. Because of that, I have missed countless family dinners. Because I put the patient first.
Dr. Jones the Professor is dismissive? Demeaning? You think patients aren’t? Add in the threatening family members with the looming malpractice lawsuits hanging over your head. And the patients who repeatedly don’t listen to your recommendations and argue who then show up to the ER with a stroke because they decided to not take the meds you recommended. And now you’re not sleeping that night because you’re treating the patient instead. But you keep your mouth shut, you provide compassionate care without prejudice or retribution.
Gotta go, not proofreading, sorry.
Need to add about the lack of pay, encroachment by other folks, fighting with insurance. Fighting for the patients and what’s best for them. And how I have missed the major milestones of my children’s lives


I read those comments too (in the document someone posted upthread, which no longer seems to be accessible). I don’t recall seeing multiple such comments. That you know plenty of such students elsewhere doesn’t mean this is the case here.

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Exactly. If you cant handle the work/ life balance in college, well, good luck in med school and beyond, when it really gets challenging


Yes, I’m intimately aware of what it takes to be a physician, though my partner and family members who are physicians don’t usually describe it in such dramatic terms. And none would shut the door to their profession against worthy committed candidates with difficulty accessing resources in their second year of college.

In fact, I often hear from the MDs that are close to me, in academia and in private practice, that we should be actively working to expand access to medical education. I’m not sure how to reconcile the differences in these accounts with what’s being promoted here.


How about some empathy for a fired 84-year-old professor?


This, from a physician who just dismissed a group of students as “these people”. Interesting.

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Absolutely this. This distinguished professor has found himself in the middle of culture wars he never anticipated. I absolutely sympathize with him, and hope he finds some reasonable peace with the situation quickly.

I have great sympathy for him. But I’ll put the needs of the students first every day, and given that he was apparently unwilling to only teach the sections with the chemistry majors, I understand why the university did not bring him back.

I just have to take a brief timeout and say that I’ve enjoyed reading all the posts. To me, everyone is making effective arguments and I could literally like almost every post on this thread.

I’ve gone back and forth from entitled snowflake students to old bad professor. My guess, it lies somewhere in between and isn’t so black and white. While I’m not normally a tennis fan, I’m liking the “forehand smashes” and “backhand returns.”

Carry on!


Well since I am BIPOC/LGBTQ/undocumented, I guess I could say “my” people. Not sure your point.
Anyway, I will not apologize for putting patients first.

I just deleted more reasons why ?these students? would not make good physicians but want to highlight one area. The rate of suicide is higher in physicians than the national average. Someone mentioned the need for weekends off for college students for mental sanity IIRC. I’ve lost 3 friends and colleagues to suicide, and another 3 because 3 medical students or residents shot them for giving them a bad evaluation, including the kindest person you could ever meet.

Edited to delete names


You quote the dean incorrectly. He said the opposite of what you think he said.
The dean has a good solution here. As I mentioned upthread, the course at Princeton is also targeted at Chem majors that are grad school bound. The premeds just took the course because they would not be offered courses targeted at them specifically. There is no “mollycoddling” here :slight_smile: