Silliest reasons why your child chose a college to apply to?

<p>Liked the name, Green Mountain College, was accepted didn't enroll. </p>

<p>What do those dorms smell like that allow cats? I love cats, we have two 15 year old house cats, but when the litter boxes need changing, it seems I am the ONE!</p>

<p>D likes hockey players.. :eek:</p>

<p>(....wants school with good hockey team, good mascot, and good school colors....)</p>

<p>My son's (joking) criterion was that he would go to the school with the largest animal mascot. Well, I guess he was joking. He's going to Yale, and at Bulldog Days they had an enormous inflatable bulldog.</p>

<p>I've seen a lot of people who have 0 chance of getting into Harvard or MIT apply to Harvard or MIT just because it's Harvard or MIT.</p>

<p>I judge colleges harshly on the letters I receive from them in the mail.</p>

<p>i may or may not have chosen a school following a certain person i met at a summer program.</p>

go to the school with the largest animal mascot


He's going to Yale, and at Bulldog Days they had an enormous inflatable bulldog.


<p>Bevo would have that bulldog deflated in minutes. (Hook'em!)</p>


<p>Silliest reason: Because she had already bought the sweatshirt and once accepted, students at daughter's school can wear the sweatshirt instead of the uniform shirt. Her only rejection...I do not think that she mentioned this as the reason she was applying, but perhaps the admissions counselors could read between the lines.</p>

i may or may not have chosen a school following a certain person i met at a summer program.


<p>I think you meant to write:</p>

<p>'Perhaps, someone I might have known, may or may not have chosen a school following a certain person they may or not have met - possibly at a summer program.'</p>

<p>I applied to Williams College simply because my school counselor said that no one from my town had ever been admitted there. I kept the streak intact. ;)</p>

<p>Those schools that had Jamba Juice on campus moved up on the list for my son!</p>

<p>middle son, when just starting the college search was thrilled to have discovered a school unlike high school clubs that had clubs just for EATING!</p>

<p>He was in heaven. (piggy heaven)</p>

<p>He is now an executive officer in said eating club!</p>


<p>This might be better suited to the "silly reasons for not applying" thread, although his actual reason was valid imho... but...</p>

<p>Mine was heavily influenced toward Caltech, in part, by the strawberry-banana crepes at the Red Door Cafe.</p>

<p>He didn't put in an application, though. That's because of grad school plans and the cross-pollination effect (a panel of seniors there told us they're strongly discouraged from applying to Tech as grads) ... plus of course the fact that he was accepted ED to his first choice (Mudd) before Tech's application deadline.</p>

<p>It had nothing to do with the fact that, on our repeat visit after four months of drooling anticipation, the lady behind the counter at the Red Door told him that the person who makes the crepes was off work that day. Really. :D</p>

<p>D wants to apply to several colleges in Florida because it's Florida.
And she has 0 chance of getting in Harvard, and doesn't want to go anywhere cold, but is talking about applying there because it's Harvard and because no one from her hs in the past (at least) 5 years has gotten into the Ivies.</p>

<p>I will apply to UChicago because the mail they send me is pretty. :)</p>

<p>mines was how close Macdonalds and a Walgreens, Walmart type establishment was close & how many black ppl were on the website</p>


Mail! The more desperate the mailings seemed, the less interested my kid was. Mudd's cynical junk mail put the place on his list.</p>

<p>Maybe that's not such a silly reason, Rachael -- lots of colleges have whole PR departments dedicated to figuring out how to make their mail attract the kind of students they want! :) Good luck with your application!</p>

<p>I'm not sure that the word "silly" fully applies, but it irks me when students in my purview apply to colleges only because they offer "free" laptops to all entering freshmen. Often these schools are pricey private colleges, many (though certainly not all) aren't renowned for their academic strengths. Even so, I see kids wanting to enroll in these places for the computers, without noting that there may be a far better, and cheaper school that would be a wiser choice. Last year, for instance, an advisee of mine wanted to attend a private college (I won't name it) that cost $20K more per year than the well-reputed SUNY school that had also admitted her. (And the GPA's and SAT's of the entering SUNY students far outshone those at the private school.)</p>

<p>I had to convince this student that she could buy several laptops for the extra dough she'd be spending to attend the private school. But it was a hard sell.</p>

<p>Sure, there are many reasons to select a college, and the best fit isn't always at the best price, but I do hear "free laptop" far too often as a reason to choose a college that, otherwise, might not be anywhere near the short list.</p>

<p>Didn't attend a college because of a busy street going through the middle of campus. Feared getting up for a 8am class, not being completely awake and the rest is history!</p>

<p>I judge schools by their junk mail as well. Macalester sent me a million postcards with very little information on each one, which is part of why I ruled it out. Carleton sent less mail, but it had more information and was pleasantly quirky, which is half the reason it's still on my list. :D</p>

<p>My youngest son wants to apply to certain schools, because the girls are pretty and the food was good (when we visited with his older brother).</p>