Silliest reasons why your child chose a college to apply to?

<p>My DD wants to go to the “University of Someplace Warm”. I took her to visit my alma mater, Evergreen, when we checked in my niece. My DD was not the least bit interested. One of her main reasons for not liking it was the mascot, The Geoduck!! DD wants to go to California for college; sunshine, beaches and Disneyland!</p>

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<p>^ The Geoduck? Isn’t that a Pokemon? I guess the mascot must have come first. :D</p>

<p>hahaha I don’t know about a Pokemon, but a Geoduck is a giant clam that looks like a horse’s…ummm…private parts. Not a lovely mascot to say the least, but it is Evergreen after all!</p>

<p>S liked the Boston Aquarium from a family vacation several years ago. Applied and got in, just finished freshman year. Only had time to go to Aquarium once so far.</p>

<p>Walking through the main gate on our first visit to the campus my girl said, “I love it here!”
This was later confirmed after her accepted students’ weekend. “They all wear sweats and flipflops!” She’s STILL in love.</p>

<p>I chose my school for the dorms and library. It has three floors :smiley: Though thats probably nothing compaired to the ivy leages librarys.</p>

<p>musicmaker - I believe that my daughter made her decision as yours did - based on the campus full of trees, Shakespeare’s garden, cathedral of books, mix of historical buildings and modern and the wonderful art gallery. And of course, the quidditch team. We were grateful that the finaid package was outstanding and she has the opportunity to attend such an outstanding college.</p>

<p>I met a fellow than in his 30’s who was from Massachusetts and when he found out I was from Ohio said that he gone to school there. I asked him how he wound up there and he had a story that fits this topic.</p>

<p>His guidance counselor asked him what he was going to do and he didn’t know. The GC said he’d have a tough time getting into an elite east coast school but that Ohio had several attractive liberal arts schools. He applied to three and was accepted at each and never visited and selected his school by the highest ratio of women to men! He said it worked for him.</p>

<p>Seems like choosing a school because of the reputation of the football team is one of the silliest -all too common though.</p>

<p>Actually, it’s Vassar. I’m happy to see that the above qualities are found on other campuses - it’s a pretty powerful combination.</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot, because a boy she thought was interesting might also apply. We made the trip to the school, Dashed through pouring rain to the bookstore to buy a t-shirt (not her size, but his…) and then she announced she had seen enough - we could leave. Dragged her into the admissions department, where the cheerful woman behind the desk asked her about her interests and other schools we were visiting, then went on and on about the “other” school her son was attending. Despite all this, D finished application EA and when word came, said “Well, at least I am going somewhere for college”</p>

<p>Silliest reason for my application was to RISD: Firstly because I wanted to brag to my AP drawing teacher who didn’t think my work was that good. And secondly because my mom told me that I could never do the entire application in a weekend. I ended up sending it in three days too late, but was admitted. And thirdly because i just had to know if I would get in.</p>

<p>The reason I chose where I am going in the fall is because they had a T-Pain concert on the night of my second campus visit. They also had mostly naked girls battling in a muddy arena in the quad.</p>

<p>My son wanted to go to a blue school, in a blue city, in a blue state. His conservative friends thought it was pretty silly. He ended up at the U of Wisconsin (where you can still get free copies of the Onion). His mother thinks its tragic, since he’s so far away.</p>

<p>I’m sure there are lots of these in the list of previous posts, but he chose his college for his girlfriend, who then broke up with him by Thanksgiving of first semester. We just received word from his (private) university that he may not return due to poor grades. : (</p>

<p>You mean people PAY for the Onion? I was shocked that my son wanted to go to UW (as his safety- he only applied to 2 other, super elite, schools) since in HS he was anti everything about me, his mother- and that’s MY alma mater. But it is a great liberal school with great academics. I thought I was conservative growing up in the Madison area, discovered how liberal I was when I moved elsewhere in the state and beyond.</p>

<p>WildChild applied to one large state university (UGA) as a safety. I was so proud of him for coming up with it and it would have been a great fit and a lot of fun for him- and his parents. I subsequently learned that he picked it because Tucker Max was fond of it! (if some of you parents aren’t familiar with Tucker Max, you probably want to remain ignorant).</p>

<p>Wis75, UW is a great school and my son loves it and Madison. But, the minus 13 degree temperature my wife experienced when she visited him at school last January gives yet another meaning to the term “blue” state.</p>

<p>LOL about Tucker Max, MOWC.</p>

<p>My younger s didnt end up finishing his application, but was going to apply to one of the Claremont colleges because you could go skiing in the morning and go to the beach in the afternoon.</p>

<p>Just wanted to drop in and say hi, great forum here :)</p>

<p>Well, I want to go to Howard for multiple reasons. One reason is it is in D.C. where if I want to go to the Presidential Inauguration I’ll be in town. Another reason is the guy I like is going there. And the last reason is because I go to an all black school where I have transitioned from diversity and I don’t think I can comfortably go back. Kinda silly, maybe not so much, what do y’all think?</p>