Silliest reasons why your child chose a college to apply to?

<p>I chose to go to my current college because I liked the discussions on the facebook group better than the other two schools I was choosing between.</p>


And the last reason is because I go to an all black school where I have transitioned from diversity and I donā€™t think I can comfortably go back. Kinda silly, maybe not so much, what do yā€™all think?

Your choice is valid ā€“ after all, itā€™s your choice, and what matters most is that it gives you the opportunity for happiness and success. But this makes me curious: After graduating, do you plan to work only in all-black companies? If not, will the transition to diverse workplaces be easier for you then, compared with the transition to a diverse college now?</p>

<p>Again, Iā€™m just curious ā€“ kind of hoping for a chance to see things from a perspective I wouldnā€™t normally get to see. :)</p>

<p>i almost chose ucsc over ucla becuas it is in the middle of a forrest and there are hiking trails on campusā€¦</p>

<p>rachael525: my D got the same mailing from UChicago and now wants to take another look at that school</p>

<p>This has been a really fun and informative thread! I told my D that I posted this treahd and she thought I was a little nuts, but laughed all the same. Keep those silly reasons coming!</p>

<p>" I wanted to see if i could recreate that picture on the brochure with my camera "</p>

<p>was far away from home</p>

<p>Iā€™m a native Californian, and back in the day, I went to the U of Detroit because I was so into the Motown Sound. I thought that I would see the Supremes, Temptations, Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye just roaming around town. I got there and was so into the ā€œcollege experienceā€ that I completely forgot about Motownā€¦</p>

<p>That is so funny. I was a big Bee Gees fan, even from the late sixties. When they got popular in the disco era, when I was in high school, I heard they lived in Miami. </p>

<p>When I decided to major in Marine Biology, I actually requested info from the University of Miami and wound up going there. </p>

<p>I did actually get to see the Bee Gees in concert my freshman year, but that was the closest I got to them. </p>

<p>Iā€™m still a fan. Even saw Robinā€™s son perform at a local venue before my nephewā€™s band went on. Real thrill. His band is 54 Seconds. Very good.</p>

<p>But I probably would have never thought to look at Miami and actually go away to college if it hadnā€™t been for that crazy bit of inspiration. The only other college I remember getting info about was USC, and that was way out of my price range. So I may not have pursued my dream if it hadnā€™t been for them.</p>

<p>Just wanted to say you all have a great forum. Seems like a good place I can actually be a part of. :)</p>

<p>I instantly liked one school Iā€™m applying to because it had a Coldstone-like ice cream store in the center, only when I ate it I liked it better :)</p>

<p>lol I looked for that too, I need to swing to get my thoughts sorted out. I was so happy when I found at that thereā€™s a swing set in a park just two minutes from Vanderbiltā€™s freshman dorms!</p>

<p>I didnā€™t have any dumb reason to apply.</p>

<p>but a will say a deciding factor for me was the bathrooms at the school. i turned some schools down because i could not see myself in those bathroomsā€¦</p>

<p>Yale school colors. I love navy and white.</p>

<p>Thereā€™s a swing set right in the immediate UChicago neighborhood, too. (57th St. near the Med, for the curious)</p>

<p>S applied to U Southern Calif after he met a online Roller Coaster Tycoon friend from USC at the campus when he was visiting some SCal colleges. Ironic, because he REFUSED to apply to ANY of the UCā€™s because they were all TOO BIG in his opinion!</p>

<p>While looking at this thread I learned that Reed College allows cats in their apartments.</p>

<p>That cemented my decision to apply there. :)</p>

<p>I didnā€™t apply to U of Chicago because my mom declared I should only apply to one college in Illinois >_></p>

<p>I simply applied to Harvard just for the heck of it, and to my surprise, I was accepted. Iā€™ll be going to MIT in the fall thoughā€¦I want to be an engineer, and Harvard is definitely not the school for that.</p>

<p>Bumping this up since weā€™ve had some great replies!</p>

<p>. . . parents who went to 1) a prestigious small womenā€™s college and 2) that alternative UC campus that USED to have no grades and only 5,000 students (curse you, Dr. Moll) Dā€™s choice of a giant midwest school that had great football seemed so silly</p>

<p>worked for her, though :-)</p>