<p>Hello interweb users!</p>
<p>I am a high school sophomore, and I am currently very enthusiastic about applying to Simon's Rock, I am sure that I want to go there, and when I went to my interview my interviewer and all of the students I talked to thought that I would fit in perfectly. Do you think I will get accepted?</p>
<p>I go to a very small school in the middle of nowhere, and I mean very small. Pre-K - 12th grade and less than 500 students.
I take all the classes the rest of my class takes (we can not take higher level classes because of my school size), and I have more credits than the rest of my class because I take a full class load (no free period) and I have taken two extra classes through a school program. One of them was a class in vocal training, and at the moment I am taking a class in Russian history and planning to take a class in either ballet or creative writing.
I have a passion for writing, mostly poetry, short stories, and essays.
I love to learn, but my school environment isn't conductive to what I want to learn, seeing as every class I take bores me because it is unimaginably easy.
When I am at school other students call me a geek whenever I talk about being excited to write an essay or create a presentation.
I want to be around people who, like me, have a wild love of knowledge.
I am used to taking care of myself a lot of the time, because when my dad was sick my mother wasn't around very much so I often had to cook for my sister and myself. I managed to not fail any classes while my father was sick, and when he died. I, while being mentally unstable as hell, continued to manage myself and my school work moderately well.
My over-all grade at the moment is an 87%, and my lowest grade is an 82%. Though my grades are not especially good, there is a perfectly acceptable excuse for my epic failure haha. I do all classwork, and get great grades on all tests, but I sadly have a difficult time bringing myself to do homework which only makes you regurgitate facts, instead of making you use your mind and actually think for a change.</p>
<p>I would love to know if you think I would be accepted to Simon's Rock!
Thank you!</p>