Since Ivy leagues only have a graduate journalism program where do all the undergraduates go?

Hello, I was trying to choose a top Journalism university that I would enjoy be at learning and having a good time. However some of the schools I look at were Ivy leagues. Which do not offer Journalism programs for undergraduates until they become graduate students. So my question is where do all the undergraduates go before they go to the Ivy league universities for Journalism. What school would bee a good choice. Thank You! is often mentioned here.

You could try Mizzou, Syracuse, Northwestern, Emerson, ect

Northwestern (Medill) is the obvious answer when talking undergrad journalism at top ranked schools.

The program requires a term long (for credit) internship with a newspaper, magazine, online or broadcast company which allows for great experience and resume building. Recent Journalism Residency positions include places like Facebook, CNN, Sports Illustrated along with international postings (special connections to South Africa and Qatar).

@dogJournalism‌: I strongly disagree that the most-competitive undergraduate schools – including the Ivies – don’t “have a journalism program.” While it’s true they generally do not offer a journalism major per se, this does not mean a student cannot be fully prepared for – and highly successful in entering – journalism from any of the top (perhaps) fifteen National Research Universities (NRU).

Extensive reporting, interviewing, journalistic writing, publishing, and editorial experiences are abundantly available through working on renowned, perpetual awarding winning dailies such as Harvard’s Crimson, Duke’s Chronicle, and Yale’s Daily News. Furthermore, countless prominent and highly respected journalists have followed this precise career path, including: Bob Woodward (Yale), Judy Woodruff (Duke), Charlie Rose (Duke), George Will (Princeton), Ben Bradlee (Harvard), and MANY others.

In fact, I’d respectfully suggest that: (a) attending a first-tier NRU; (b) majoring in a discipline such as public policy, economics, politics/government, history, sociology, and so forth; and © complementing this academic focus with practical experience on the university’s daily newspaper (plus internships) is actually a better way to prepare/enter journalism, than a major alone might be (especially at a less demanding college), beacuse you learn BOTH entry-level journalism AND a substantive, relevant area.

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You don’t have to major in journalism/communications prior to enrolling in a graduate journalism program at a top university (or prior to your first career journalism job).

Bob Woodward went to Yale, where he studied history and English lit.
Anderson Cooper also went to Yale, where he majored in political science.
Seymour Hersh majored in history at UChicago. David Brooks and David Broder also graduated from UChicago (which has no undergraduate journalism or communication major).

Should I major in English, or Communication studies then ?

What should I do to prepare for Journalim at Northwestern then

If you really wanted to go to an Ivy League school for undergrad, then yes, you could major in political science, economics, English etc. But if you want to be a journalist, there’s really no need to go to an Ivy-League school; the best journalism schools are not Ivy-League schools (just because it’s an Ivy doesn’t mean they have the best program for every major). A lot of top j-schools are state flagships (Mizzou, University of Texas, University of Florida, etc.) and there’s nothing wrong with going to one of those schools for undergrad. If you really feel the need to go to a prestigious private school, then Northwestern is also a top journalism school.

I started looking into Northwestern for Journalism and seem to like the program and what it consist of. What do I need to do to prepare for Journalism at Northwestern If that is where I choose to go. Or how about NYU for Journalism. Or maybe majoring in English, or Communication studies what schools would be good for that…

I am also interested in majoring in Journalism. I’ve looked into both Northwestern’s and NYU’s journalism programs a lot. One of the things I love most about NYU’s program is that they require Journalism majors to double major.

@eyrar99 I looked into those two schools a lot! Love the atmosphere! Going to Adrian College right now then Quinnipiac University for masters and Northwestern for sure PHD! wbu?