Singer-Stamps 2016

Did you receive that information via CaneLink or email?

@SoProudofMyChildren Pretty similar position but different major (International relations/communications). Also, my school’s public and top ranked but much smaller (in Louisiana). I feel like they’re pretty similar after visiting, but I really want to know which school is on a more upward track (Miami has a new dean, and USC keeps rising in rankings). Let me know what y’all think.

Decision came by email, D did not get the Singer but got additional 4k and Foote Fellow. Not sure if makes U of Miami as competitive for D but she is surely thankful for what she has got from them

My son also received an email this morning - an additional $4000 - for a total of $30,000 plus Foote Fellow. This will be a difficult decision for him - he likes U of Miami, but as a NMF received almost full ride to U of Alabama Honors College. Congrats to all!!

@laroyri My D liked Miami a lot but with a full tuition from another comparable school, the choice becomes hard as there is a difference of $15k per year. Congrats to all who were there, everyone we met was amazing and had excellent choices.

Wondering how many Singers did they award?

thank you. I know, I know, rough problem to have, we feel Very fortunate.
Your comments are true about Stamps certainly is a network and door opener, and UM premed. However, USC also has some soft benefits as well. We are going to try to reach their PreHealth Director this week for a conversation to get a better feel on advising etc.

I think UM’s ranking dipped slightly with Donna Shalala’s departure. Certainly Julio Franke is very strong replacement and look forward to seeing his contributions. USC has certainly continued to strengthen itself as well as rankings. I am not sure for your IR / Comms programs whether you definitively have Grad School in your sights? If not, I would say that USC’s higher ranking might be more significant for you as you enter the workforce. If so, you would need to decide whether USCs program impacts your application success for Grad school. If not going to grad school, you would want to compare the ROI of the $75K price difference from 4 years. If you are going to Grad school, and there is no benefit to USC for entrance, I would say pick UM since it will be the Grad School Name you will align with for entry into the workforce. Unless you find a benefit in having USC on your degree for the Grad school. If not, it might be a luxury of $75k (4 years x 18.5k) to pick USC should you prefer it for any reason. One last thing to consider is whether AP or IB credits significantly vary by school. It could afford you to more flexibility for additional classes (minor / major) or even graduate earlier in one vs the other. (potential to save money if it is easier at USC).

In our Premed case, I don’t think it matters that much which school as long as GPAs are equivalent. The other opportunities should be the same for research and clinical premed hours (Stamps opening doors and USC plentiful from its size). Certainly, should my child not stay premed, USC is significantly higher Engineering school rank (~#12). We don’t yet know how to find that small yet concrete differentiation that helps us make the final decision. I the end, we may need to decide based on “gut” and the “significance” of the price difference. If not spent on undergrad, my child will have access to those additional $75k for grad school.

@SoProudofMyChildren There is always a possibility of changing tracks from PreMed to something else. In that case USC will surely be a more prestigious name to go to higher grad schools or get a job.The question is, is Room & Board cost worth paying for for you guys? Also, if your son chooses to do anything business then USC is big brand name there.

You wont go wrong with Miami but keep in mind a change in career plans (which is not so unlikelyonce kids start experiencing other interests/knowledge)

@dudefromnowhere Was the Foote Fellowship offer in the same letter that notified of additional 4K? My son got an email/letter saying he didn’t get Singer but got the 4k but he didn’t send the whole thing (just a screen shot) so I’m not sure if he got Foote or not.

Yes it was in the same email

Anyone else that hasn’t heard at all yet??

Did anyone not get Stamps/Singer, get extra $, but not get Foote?

got the extra 4k with foote

Sounds like every one has heard back. Is there anyone that has not?

Didn’t read any post about getting Singer today? Only $4k awards. Did anyone get Singer?

My son also got 4K and Foote Fellows. Lots of good schools (with almost the same cost) for him to choose from which is going to make his decision process very difficult.

I know that Foote Fellows are exempt from gen ed requirements, but does anyone know any other benefits of being tin this program?

Hey @SoProudofMyChildren and @Cricketnepal , I’m in a similar positon, except I only have the Singer at Miami and I got full tuition at Emory in addition to USC. I’m also hoping to go premed. Keep me posted on your thoughts/decisons, because I’m having trouble making a decision as well!

maybe you can share your thoughts on the 3 schools pros/cons etc. It would seem like near-equal cost so unlikely a factor for you. ALso, where is your home state?

@abcninja – my vote is USC #1, Emory #2, UM #3. Of course, it depends on where you want to be both during college and after, also, but I think that USC and Emory both have better reputations/ranks than UM, so all other things being equal, I would go to L.A. or Atlanta!