Singer-Stamps 2016

My S received an invitation to the Singer-Stamps weekend! Anyone attending?

I also received an invitation to the Singer-Stamps weekend, along with one to the Weeks Endowed scholarship

I did! Attending the February one

@stvika and @barcelona1 did you guys apply early action?

EA for me


@barcelona1 how did you find out about the scholarship

They emailed me @coryfink

I posted about this on a different thread, but I figure I might as well ask here as well: does anyone actually know the odds of receiving one of the scholarships you’ve been named a finalist for? Yesterday I received an email saying I’d been named a finalist for the Stamps Leadership Scholarship, the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship, and the Marta S. and L. Austin Weeks Endowed Scholarship. While this is obviously very exciting, I was just wondering if the odds of being awarded won of these prestigious scholarships warrant my paying for the plane tickets to and from Miami. How many people are named finalists? How many of those finalists are ultimately awarded at least a full tuition scholarship? Thanks for any information you are able to contribute!

Are all of the invitations for Singer/Stamps emailed at the same time? If you don’t have one, does that mean you aren’t getting the invitation? Applied EA.

@Barcelona1 - You applied EA and received your acceptance? Thought acceptances were End of January?

My son received the same email stating he was nominated for the Stamps, Singer and Weeks scholarships. He has not received an acceptance letter - although one would assume he is accepted if they nominated him for these scholarships. He is going in February, but I also wonder what the odds are of receiving one of the scholarships.

@laroyri and @abcninja - I have no personal knowledge, but from looking at College Confidential posts in years past, someone reported that they invite about 300 students to Singer/Stamps weekend and about 75 are offered Singer and 10 are offered Stamps. Would love for someone to confirm or correct if this is accurate!

So you guys all heard before general EA decisions were released?

@mrc4081 i think they did which is super depressing bc i probs cant afford miami

Any chance I could be invited in my EA letter?

@mrc4081. Yes. There is no definitive and comprehensive list out to my knowledge. I think it behooves everyone to wait until everything is disseminated. These posts are hardly entirely accurate.

Both of my kids were invited to the weekends in their years. Neither won the Singer or Stamps, but did receive extra money on top of their large scholarships, so we found it was totally worth the time/expense. Daughter also received Foote Fellow which has been an amazing experience for her. The speakers, tours, etc. were what my kids needed to make their final decisions that they would attend the U and they both say it was the best choice decision they ever made… The speakers and top professionals at the U made both of us parents feel that our kids were going to a special place that would look out for them and provide a great education, fun social experience and opportunities for jobs. We are a Canes family and the generosity of the U made it possible for our kids to attend. With that said, both kids got heavily involved and classes were only part of their 4 year experience. College is about a lot more than just classes. DS went to grad school (elsewhere) and then got a great job. DD is applying to grad schools now.
I can only say that if you are blessed to get into the U and can afford to go (with or without scholarships) you won’t regret it. There is something for everyone there, whether you enjoy parties or not, join sorority or frat or not, drink or not, …you get the drift. Best of luck to all and remember…It’s all about the U!

The website asks for an essay for Stamps scholarship. If you are attending the March 18-19 event do you still need to submit an essay? Not clear what they mean

@dudefromnowhere you can’t interview for the stamps scholarship at the second weekend. it’s only available at the first weekend, and some people didn’t get invited to the first weekend because they weren’t considered for that scholarship. so that’s why the essay is due early because it only applies to the first weekend