<p>Before I present this to my study skills challenged S I wanted the wise counsel of the College Confidential community If anyone has any additional suggestions please feel free to improve this list, Thanks in advance for your opinions.</p>
<p>General Best Practices;</p>
<p>Maintain general wellbeing: eat, sleep, and hydrate regularly.</p>
<p>Avoid /eliminate Alcohol use.</p>
<p>Study in blocks of less than one hour per session. Take a minimum 10-15 minute breaks.</p>
<p>Study is more effective early in the day, Try to study before dinner</p>
<p>Avoid group study until you feel you have learned the material (in order to avoid distractions and procrastination)</p>
<p>Review notes and important material many times weekly.</p>
<p>Rewrite the most important concepts in a given class on one page “exam review sheets” prior to exams</p>
<p>Prepare for tests well in advance, do not cram.</p>
<p>Do not mistake familiarity for mastery. You really know something when you can explain it to someone who knows nothing about it, or you take practice tests in test like conditions and prove complete mastery.
When in doubt, find and master more “test like” problems Practice does make perfect.</p>
<p>Keep track of mistakes, look for trends,and ask yourself or your professor how you can learn from mistakes.</p>
<p>Triage all tests: do the easiest problems and questions first.</p>
<p>Practice and improve the accuracy of your “judgment of learning.” Before you take a test estimate how well you will do, write it in your notebook; compare it to the actual results. As you become better at knowing what you know, your grades will be better and less time will be wasted over studying.</p>
<p>Make use of generic exam wrappers</p>
<p>This activity is designed to give you a chance to reflect on your exam performance and, more importantly, on the effectiveness of your exam preparation. Again, please answer the questions sincerely. </p>
<li><p>Approximately how much time did you spend preparing for this exam? _______ </p></li>
<li><p>What percentage of your test-preparation time was spent in each of these activities? </p></li>
<p>a. Reading textbook section(s) for the first time _______
b. Re-reading textbook section(s) _______
c. Reviewing homework solutions _______
d. Solving problems for practice _______
e. Reviewing your own notes _______
f. Reviewing materials from blackboard _______
(What materials? _____________________ )
g. Other _______
(Please specify: ______________________ ) </p>
<li><p>What aspect(s) of your preparation for this exam seemed different from your previous exam preparation? Did these changes have any effect? </p></li>
<li><p>Now that you have looked over your graded exam, estimate the percentage of points you lost due to each of the following (make sure the percentages add up to 100): </p></li>
<p>a. Trouble recalling specific facts _______
b. Mathematical errors _______
c. Problem applying concepts _______
d. Lack of understanding of the concept _______
e. Not knowing how to approach the problem _______
f. Careless mistakes _______
g. Other _______
(Please specify: ______________________ ) </p>
<li>Considering your performance on this exam list three things you will do differently in preparation for the next exam? (Spend more time studying, rewrite notes, use diagrams, attend professors office hours )