Skipped 3 in Math...will my score be ruined?

<p>Ok so today was the first time I've taken the SAT, and for some reason I really started zoning out after the first math section. There were 3 that I had no clue where to even begin (now that I think about it, none were very hard...) So I decided that instead of risking points, I'd just skip them...But now I'm just really worried about how it will effect my score! Especially since I feel like I did well on the Reading and Writing (except possibly the essay...I'm not sure I was zoning then too...)</p>

<p>What do you all think?</p>

<p>You’ll be starting off with around a 740-750.</p>

<p>^ and thats guaranteeing you got all the rest right. one more wrong plus the 3 skipped puts you around 720 and another wrong puts you at like 700</p>

<p>Way to make him/her feel awesome. Welcome to CC!</p>

<p>^ Lol cornetking :p</p>

<p>Although what the rest say is true, don’t worry so much about it. It’s over now, so just hope for the best. I’m sure you did better than you think. :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>