Skipping 8th grade?

<p>My brother is looking into this, he's very smart and mature for his age, and completely bored in school. He does not want to be homeschooled or go to private school. Has anyone skipped a grade and wished they hadn't? Was the age difference a problem?</p>

<p>just throwing in my two cents....i wouldn't really want to skip grades...first because there is really no need, for matter how smart or talented u r...i mean, sure there are those kids who like went to college at age 15 and graduated grad school by like 20...but look what happened to them....the social consequences should also be looked will his friends view him?...and how would the upper grade look at him?...i think these are important things to consider...</p>

<p>My sister skipped I beleive 6th grade and wishes she didn't. The social aspects is why she wishes she didn't skip. My mother said that if she had to do it all over again, she wouldn't have let her skip a grade. Although my son is a very smart (A+) student and is oftern bored, I never would dream to let him skip a grade. He strives to fulfill his curiousity by taking challenging courses, vidioconferences etc.</p>

<p>I agree that I wouldn't want to skip a grade either, but the other thing is there may be social benefits. We moved to a new town this year, and in the small middle schools, he hasn't found kids that he has really connected with. My mom thinks that in the high school (much larger) will offer more different types of kids that are similar to him. I'm also not too crazy about it, cause I don't know if I would want to be known as the kid who skipped a grade.</p>

<p>my friend skipped a grade in elementary school and shes 15 and a junior and all my friends and i treat her as if she's like our age. she's very smart and outgoing and we dont see her as this super genius just cuz she skipped a grade. it all depends on the person, whether they think they can handle it and also if they can deal with the social issues.</p>

<p>I don't think it makes a difference. I didn't skip a grade, but I have been in many high school classes that are a grade or two above mine. For instance, sophomore year I took philosophy, a class intended for seniors, and no one really cared. Of course it does depend on the person. There's one kid in my grade who is taking a senior-only course this year (as a junior) and he can, at times, be condescending, so the seniors tend to make fun of him.</p>

<p>My experiences have been perfectly fine, but if your brother is a jerk, he definitely should not skip a grade.</p>

<p>Of course, I'm much more mature than other people in my grade (mainly in academics, but also in not acting like a douchebag), so maybe it has held me back not skipping a grade. I never skipped grades in elementary/middle school because I thought I would lose my friends... now I'm in high school, and I pretty much don't have any friends anyway.</p>

<p>By the way: 8th grade is probably the best grade to skip, since he'll be separated from his friends and forced to make new ones. Also, since everyone is from different schools (assuming your highschool starts at 9th grade), he'll be in the same situation everyone else.</p>

<p>My Experience: I tried to skip 7th grade. It's not so much the age difference as it is the emotional maturity. I was already not a very social person, and just shoving me into a new grade without my friends or any familiar faces was a complete disaster. Long story short: Crappiness with a capital crap.</p>

Has anyone skipped a grade and wished they hadn't? Was the age difference a problem?


<p>A huge problem, but in my case I skipped like five grades and ended up moving back until I was only one year younger than my classmates.</p>

<p>In your brother's case it'd probably be fine -- one year is a pretty negligible difference in my experience unless your brother is very conscious of the age gap (thinks he's special because of it, etc.) Most kids won't even notice.</p>

<p>won't notice it until they all have their licenses and you only have a permit :( True story.. oh well at least I get free rides for the time being.</p>

<p>Hey, I didn't skip any grades, I'm now a senior, and I only have a permit. Now most of my friends who are a year younger than me can drive me places. :p</p>

<p>Yeah he actually is just around the cutoff so he technically could be in the grade above him, so he would be young for it but perhaps not even the youngest.</p>

<p>I think it would be best if the child skipped the grade in the first few years of elementary school. This would cause less social problems imo.</p>

<p>It sounds like it would be fine for him, especially if he's near the cutoff. Unless he's a very unsocialable child who will have a really hard time making friends in high school, then he should be all right.
tunit: You're right, frequently that ends up messing the kid up socially, but not always: my grandfather and my great-grandfather both attend university at 15, and both turned out fine. They were very happy, well-adjusted young men, and made friends with the older boys. Neither regreted attending young.</p>

<p>iF he's close to the cutoff and feels mature, plus bored academically, it could help to skip 8th grade. My S was born on Dec. 31 (Jan 1 cutoff) and was the oldest in his class (except I s'pose anybody who ever failed a class or came from another school system). He skipped llth grade and fit right in, emotionally. He did miss some of his friends but they were all in the same school, so that made it easy; just suddenly he was a senior and they were juniors.
With the extra year gained, he could take a gap year between high school and college to travel or work, if he felt as though it had been too pushy.
I skipped 8th grade a zillion years ago, and it was offered to me as a way to get out of a treacherous, violent jr. high school one year sooner. I was so thrilled when it was suggested, I can still remember. It felt as though someone offered me a lifeline outathere. I did miss an 8th grade science unit on electricity that made me kind of dumb around that subject, but other than that I didn't notice any glitches in core knowledge.</p>

<p>I skipped 8th grade. It's no biggie. My school rarely let anyone skip too. If he tests high enough and the school says ok then I don't see a problem. But if he doesn't have any knowledge on subjects in 8th grade then he probably shouldn't skip.</p>

<p>People place too much importance on the social aspect of schooling. I showed up in 9th grade and proudly believed that I was there to learn and that it wasn't a social gathering. Live by that and you'll get far. Friends are for after school.</p>

<p>I wouldn't want to skip, because, frankly, by grade, on a whole, is stupider than the class ahead of us. I knew this even by the 8th grade. I'm now 2nd in the junior calss. Why would I give that up to be maybe 4th or less in the class of '07?</p>

<p>I skipped 8th grade in to a new school and I don't regret it. I had no problems catching up with the rest of the class and everyone was extremely nice.</p>

<p>I skipped 8th grade and had a very bad experience, mostly due to being an immigrant in a somewhat xenophobic part of the country when racism was at its peak. Nobody wanted immigrant kids being too cocky, and I had one teacher pull me aside the first day to tell me she felt I was "occupying resources" domestic kids should have as their birthright.</p>

<p>Uh, anyway, if you are bored with school, one grade above will be a nice challenge - if you're REALLY bored, as I was, it's not going to make much of a difference anyway.</p>

<p>i wish i skipped a grade :D</p>

<p>my sister skipped 8th grade, and she's doing fine
she's pretty glad she did it
she has no problems with friends or people treating her different
you really cant tell that shes one year younger either</p>

<p>There are three people in my grade that have skipped. Two are doing fine, social and still handle their classes well. Sucks with friends all being able to drive though, lol. One is not exactly known for emotional maturity but gets along well enough...</p>