Skipping PSAT in 11th grade?

S21 tells me he has no interest in taking the PSAT this year. He took it in 10th grade and did quite well and is confident he’ll do well with the SAT in the spring (I tend to believe him). It’s unlikely he’d be named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist, so aside from using it as another practice for the SAT, what’s the value in taking this again?

I’ve been wondering the same thing. I didn’t realize kids actually took the PSAT in their junior year. I just assumed the kids would take a practice run or 2 of the SAT’s themselves this year.

Public service announcement: the junior year PSAT also qualifies students for the National Hispanic Recognition Program.

D21 win’t Be taking it. The NMF cutoff is high in our state so she’s unlikely to make it so she’s skipping it.

National Merit and National Hispanic Recognition Program are the two things worth taking the PSAT for in 11th grade. If there is no chance of either, then it is no more than a practice SAT.

Agreed. I did skip the PSAT completely with my son. His school gave it in fall of 10th grade and since he wasn’t in accelerated math I knew he hadn’t even had the appropriate course work to be successful. He was the kind of kid who would have stressed about the exam and then felt horrible when his score wasn’t strong so he had his wisdom teeth out that day. It all worked out fine.

Thank you all for the responses. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something, which it sounds like I’m not. S will be very happy :slight_smile:

If you’re not gonna qualify for any scholarships from it then there’s no need to take it.

It does provide for an inexpensive practice under real test conditions that won’t be recorded, which OP mentioned. Outside of that and scholarship eligibility, no, no other reason.

D21 skipping it too. She won’t qualify for a scholarship and is already focusing on SATs.