<p>Hi everyone,</p>
<p>So I have a Skype interview coming up for a school with rolling admissions. I would just like to know how these interviews work. I added my interviewer on Skype, checked the audio and the video camera, etc. However, I was wondering a few things. First of all, where should it take place? Should I do it in my living room, bedroom, where? Also, should my parents be present? What should I wear? Are these interviews ever awkward, uncomfortable, etc? Any other advice? Thanks so much!</p>
<p>Not your bedroom, that’s for sure. Do your parents have like an office? And you may wanna call and ask about whether or not your parents should be with you.</p>
<p>I’d say at a desk or on the couch–if there’s a secure place to put your computer (I wouldn’t hold it in your lap). Just have a parent within calling distance (but not in the room making faces at you.) Wear whatever you’d wear to a regular interview–though the top’s all the really matters I suppose!</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Make sure you have a good, fast internet connection that is reliable so there aren’t delays or ‘freezes’ during the interview. Also, a quiet room where you won’t be distracted by phone ringing, people walking through, etc. If you can use a study room in a library that often works well. Our daughter preferred a desk or table so that the computer was stable and she could have her paper/pen available to jot down notes if needed. Parents within calling distance is good - the interviewer, at least in our case, wanted to ask us if we had any questions before the interview with our daughter, then we quietly left the room. Dress as you would if the interview were in person! Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks for everyone’s opinions! I think I will do the interview in the family room, where there is a desk and very fast internet connection. Any other advice would be gladly appreciated!</p>
<p>Do you wanna share what school it’s for? I’m just curious because I’m really rooting for you. Act exactly how you would if the interview was in person - courteous and friendly. If s/he seems like a nice person, you could crack a joke like “Wow, this is pretty different. I’ve never interviewed on Skype before!” to kind of break the ice and warn them you’re new to this kind of interviewing. Good luck; I’m sure you’ll do fineee! :D</p>
<p>It’s for Asheville
I know it’s a VERRRYYY long shot to get accepted, because I’m applying way past the deadline and need financial aid, but I really like this school and hope that I will be considered.</p>
<p>Try skyping w someone u know, so you can check w that person on how everything looks from their end.</p>
<p>Definitely practice with someone ahead of time - just so you’re comfortable using Skype. </p>
<p>And make sure that whatever room you end up using for the interview will be someplace you won’t be interrupted - the interviewer wants to talk with you . . . not parents, siblings, dog, etc.</p>
<p>Email the school ahead of time and give them your Skype address (again, just to be sure), as well as a telephone number for you - so, just in case there’s any difficulty connecting, the interviewer will have a way to reach you.</p>
<p>Enjoy your interview! (Asheville’s a great school!!! :))</p>
<p>Remember not to be shirtless. It is fine if you do not wear pants, but shirts are required. Smile. Be nice. Prepare questions to ask the school. Do it in wherever you feel comfortable, but don’t let them see the mess of clothes on your floor or on your bed. Show your face on webcam at the very least. Tell your parents, siblings, dogs, cats, mice, to butt off. Lock the door. Make sure your phone doesn’t ring. Say thank you at the end. Good luck.</p>
<p>Good luck, ballerina22! I won’t be applying to any schools rolling admissions, but I’m rooting for you. Have fun in your interview :)</p>
<p>Thanks, everyone! I had my interview this morning, and it went great
There were no technological issues, and my interviewer was (according to my father, with whom he spoke for a good 30 minutes) very impressed with me. A committee will be meeting before the end of the week to review my application, and I should be notified at the beginning of next week by the latest! Also, as a side note, Blair will be reviewing the financial aid reconsideration letter that my mom wrote on Wednesday, and we will be informed soon if I will receive more. I have been hoping for the best, but my harsh experience on March 10 taught me to not set myself up for disappointment. I will expect the worst, and hope for the best! To keep my spirits up, I am getting myself pumped up to attend my high school, which is not a bad school by any standards, and revisiting those millions of viewbooks in order to decide which schools to apply for next year. Wish me luck! :)</p>
<p>Wow! That’s great - that seems like a split second compared to the previous wait we all had. Let us all know how it goes! :D</p>
<p>aubreygal - I know, right? It’s funny, though. I started the application process last March when I first heard about BS, and that whole year seemed to pass in a blink. These past few days, however, have gone by so slowly, I can’t even believe it. I will let everyone know what happens!</p>
<p>'I will expect the worst, and hope for the best!" Oh, how I love when people take heed of my advice. Best of luck to you, Ballerina22!</p>
<p>Haha, you do give great advice! Thanks :)</p>
<p>Update: My mom got the call today. I was accepted at Asheville!!! Apparently, it was a unanimous decision
The downside is, they have currently allocated all of their financial aid, so after April 10, they will see how much they can give me. While I’m SOSOSOSOSO happy to be accepted, again, I will not count on going there because of the financial situation. But YAY!!</p>
<p>OMG! Congratulations - yayayayay! I hope April brings more good news as well! :D</p>