SLE or IHUM/PWR for Pre-Med?

<p>Hi, I'm an incoming freshman, class of '15...</p>

<p>I'm currently trying to decide between SLE and IHUM/PWR for freshman year. I plan to do Pre-Med and am majoring in Biology. I'd like to know whether it's feasible to do SLE while still being able to take all the classes I need for the MCAT before the end of junior year.</p>

<p>Some important points:</p>

<li><p>The SLE curriculum appeals to me more than IHUM/PWR because of its breadth. I feel that the offered IHUM courses are a bit too specific and decontextualized. I mean, IHUM courses sound really interesting, but after a few years they probably won't be applicable at all. SLE, at least, covers a lot of key texts that are very relevant to a lot of things.</p></li>
<li><p>I want to take the MCAT as early as possible, because I've read that doing so takes out a lot of the stress of the last two years. Ideally, I'd take it after the end of sophomore year, but it seems that that isn't very realistic, especially not if I do SLE. I don't want to have a gap year between undergrad and med school, so I definitely need to have those classes done by the end of junior year.</p></li>
<li><p>I also plan on being very active. Going to the gym often, playing club sports, etc. I don't, however, plan to party very much. Meeting new people is great, and social life is definitely important to me; I just don't find parties to be very interesting. Or maybe that's just because high school parties suck...Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I don't think a busy schedule will bother me too much. I think I might actually prefer a busy schedule over an idle one. Keeps me on my toes.</p></li>
<li><p>I don't know much about what classes are best taken before the MCAT. Of course, things like Chem and Bio are a given, but there seems to be disagreement on whether, say, Genetics should be taken or not. There also seems to be disagreement on what order each course should be taken in. Some feedback on that would be nice, too.</p></li>

<p>That's all I have for now. I may have made some erroneous assumptions, so definitely feel free to point out anything you feel is incorrect. I need as much feedback as I can. Thanks so much!</p>

<p>I have the same dilemma. I would definitely appreciate some input.</p>

<p>Well it’s too late now since you’ve already had to submit the App. Stanford forms - FWIW, it’s very difficult to complete a hard science or engineering major without taking course in the major starting freshman year. Plenty of warning in the material/web site about this, and if you sketch out a course schedule you’ll see you often need all 4 years to cover the lower/upper division coursework.</p>