<p>Hi there,
I just started a new semester at my college and the past couple days, I have been sleeping in and missing my classes. How can I prevent this? I need to get a good GPA this semester!</p>
<p>set your alarm?</p>
<p>Yeah I have to agree... Normally alarm clocks are a great way to wake up. If you have one (which I assume you do) move it to the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.</p>
<p>I had three alarm settings today. I still skipped Calc II. lol...first skip of the semester!</p>
<p>personally my cell has the most annoying alarm...</p>
<p>I set my alarm clock and I also set my cell phone alarm. I usually set about 10 alarms on my cell phone (about every 10 minutes or so), but somehow, I still sleep through them...and trust me, my cell phone has one of the worst ringers alive! You'd think it would get me up but it doesn't.</p>
<p>Well then i guess it's up to you.</p>
<p>My son had the speakers for his stereo zoomed in on him on a dresser at the foot of his bed. They go off at the designated time--very loud, and he has to get up to turn them off. When my brother visited and slept in that bed, he thought, "NIce, he likes to lie in bed and listen to music. What a sweet spot." Well at about 5 AM, he nearly hit the ceiling when the blast of music went off. It was dark, he needs glasses, he was disoriented, and couldn't find the right switches to turn off the danged contraption. We still laugh about that one. You would not sleep though that, and you would have to get up to turn it off. I suggest such a set up.</p>
<p>Put your alarm (an annoying one) across the room so you have to get up to turn it off and you can't just push the snooze button.</p>
<p>The key is getting enough sleep so waking up is not so hard. When are you going to sleep? For the time being, have someone wake you up to make sure you don't miss class. =)</p>
<p>maybe your roommate would be willing to do it, it's worth asking. No sense paying thousands of dollars for classes you aren't going to.</p>
<p>i know how you feel. i don't wake up to my alarm.. like.. ever. and I have 8 am classes.. so it's either I wake up, or i don't... luckily most times i wake up.. now tonight.. i haven't fallen asleep yet.. cause I didnt wake up atill 130 yesterday, and i'm not tired yet.. allnighter by choice, bleh!</p>
<p>8 am class? good lord - i would never get up so early. Schedule your classes later in the day if possible. Its the only way i get up ;)</p>
<p>haha, there's just some courses that are only offered at 8 am , or that's the only place they fit in the schedule :) this is my last semester, so i dont care how many 8 am courses i have to take.. long as i graduate in may :)</p>
<p>Doesn't anyone else find that when you tell yourself you have to be up at a certain time you usally do wake up, even without an alarm?</p>
<p>sometimes, but I have been really sick this week and have slept through 2 classe... and those classes were at 11.. oops</p>
Doesn't anyone else find that when you tell yourself you have to be up at a certain time you usally do wake up, even without an alarm?
Yeah. I have to repeat it to myself like a mantra. :p Seems to work 75% of the time.</p>
<p>I'm one of those people who don't hear the alarm ring. Any alarm... even the radio ones that blast music in your ear. People down the hall could wake up just hearing it, but I'll be snoozing and won't hear a thing. It's insane! Is there a name for this?</p>
<p>give me your number, and your bank account. i'll call you up every morn. of course, you will be paying for the long distance fees and also a little extra for my services ;)</p>
<p>i hear that if you say outloud that, "i will get up tomorrow morning at ______ AM" about ten to twenty times, it works. same goes for dreams (i had to present a dream log for psychology). </p>
<p>my first idea is still the best</p>
<p>Just wondering...</p>
<p>But am I the only person who has their alarm on the other side of the room, and will still ocasionally end up back in bed sleeping after it goes off?</p>
<p>no. definately not the only one :cool:</p>